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Apathy, Conspiracy's Best Friend

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Rand Clifford
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Imagine saying to Kareem Abdul Jabbar, "My, you're very tall."

Imagine denigrating anything not hailed as truth by institutions like government, or mainstream media, as conspiracy theory.

What's the connection? Much deeper than at first it might seem, much deeper than the mere absence of critical thinking. It's a pattern of apathy. Both instances lack wit and subtlety -- no thinking, whether stating the obvious, or scoffing at any truth not official. So why has conspiracy theory become such a knee-jerk label? First, let's look at what conspiracy theory means, institutionally and officially.

Conspiracy theory is most often used to identify secret military, banking, or political actions aimed at stealing power, money, or freedom from the people. Wikipedia even adds the zest, or invitation for the absurd (more on this in a moment), of secret plots by conspirators of...almost superhuman power and cunning.

The plague of conspiracy-theory labeling seen in America subverts critical thinking; one of our least popular endeavors -- critical thinking -- has much to do with protecting one's comfort zone and avoiding cognitive dissonance...much to do with choosing what to believe, facts be damned! A fine example is Americans' attitude regarding eventual, official confessions that the anthrax attacks soon after 9/11 were false flag.

9/11 has been the ultimate mother lode of so-called conspiracy theories. Never have so many obvious lies been marched out as official truths. One such conspiracy theory portrayed the anthrax attacks as false flag terror, an inside job. Well, despite the government admitting the anthrax attacks were indeed an inside job, a shocking number of people still believe that anything straying from the anthrax attacks being Muslim terror is, of course, conspiracy theory. For the comfortable settled into their comfort zone -- will truth ever be enough for them to give up the reassuring lies?

So, what is false flag terror? Essentially, false flag terrorism occurs when elements within a government stage a secret operation whereby government forces attack their own forces or people. The attack is then falsely blamed on an enemy in order to justify going to war against that enemy.

Sound familiar? It's a trick as old as war.

And how's this for a frightening aspect regarding official confession that we did the anthrax attacks: people hardly seem to care. Typically, institutional and official omission have kept many from awareness, even though it was on TV. Mainstream media, owned by the same elite that own government, is all about perception management. To them, truth is irrelevant in the shadow of perception, and they have brainwashed Americans, in the view of the rest of the world, into being the most misinformed of people.

Americans still able to think critically saw false flag terror in virtually every part of the anthrax fiasco. But the ultimate smoking gun was the Ames strain, its only possible source being the US military bio-weapons program; specifically, the US Army Laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Institutionally and officially, how many million times were we assured that the anthrax came from Iraq? From Saddam's superhuman cache of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Similar smoking guns so surround and permeate 9/11 at the WTC that even after eight years, the smoke isn't clearing. Identical to the anthrax smoking gun is that regarding nano-thermite with, yes, only one possible source -- the US military.

Red and gray chips of the world's most sophisticated nano-thermite, or super-thermite, are dispersed throughout the approximately 30,000 tons of dust generated in the demolitions of WTC 1, 2, and 7; so too are maybe 10 tons of tiny iron-rich spheroidal droplets, another signature of super-thermite explosives.

An example of what the thermite did glares from this photograph. The two fireman in the picture are among the first to secure the scene before the swarming of anti-evidence squads. Directly behind the fireman on the right is a massive steel support column of a tower that was sliced off at a tidy 45 degrees, the super-themite cut surrounded by telltale slag. The official response to all the thermite found in WTC dust: The samples were contaminated.

Samples? Again, un-detonated chips of super-thermite are distributed throughout the WTC dust. As for the US military being the only possible source on Earth of such precision-milled thermite? Oh, they say. That's conspiracy theory.

Even such evidence as thermite-sliced steel beams has been sluiced into conspiracy theory. Astonishingly, so has the recorded confession of WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein regarding the pulling of WTC 7. Silverstein's exact words:
I remember getting a call from the, uh, fire department commander, telling me they were not sure they were going to be able to control the fire. I said, you know we've had such terrible loss of life, the responsible thing to do is pull it. Uhh, and they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.

Note: Firefighters on the scene described those uncontrollable fires as fading, something they could easily knock down with a couple of hoses.

The ultimate question: Why was WTC 7 rigged for demolition BEFORE 9/11? Conspiracy theory says that WTC 7 had to have been rigged starting weeks before 9/11, and the evidence could not be clearer than immediately after the decision was made to pull it, the virtually undamaged, rock-sturdy 47-story steel frame building collapsed into its own footprint at essentially free-fall speed. Wouldn't that alone make you wary of going into any steel-frame high-rise? And consider this: Jane Stanley of BBC news announced the collapse of WTC 7 over 20 minutes early on a live feed with the building still standing behind her! Watch the whole video to see how the feed from Jane is mysteriously lost right before WTC 7 actually does...collapse....

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Rand Clifford lives in Spokane, Washington. His novels and earlier essays can be found at http://www.starchiefpress.com/
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