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Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth eclipses the 1000 mark

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Dan Koch
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It is often said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. No truer words could be spoken in the case of ae911truth.org founder Richard Gage, AIA. From that fateful morning back in 2006 to today, he has traveled tens of thousands of miles across countries and across continents in his quest for the truth about what really happened to the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings in New York City on 9/11/2001.

A funny thing started happening along the way and that is many other architects and engineers began to see the same shortcomings in the official reports offered up by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as Richard did. In fact, we can now officially say 1000 of them. They have all signed his petition demanding a new and INDEPENDENT investigation into the collapses of the 3 WTC buildings that day. Over 6000 other individuals (including this author) have also signed the petition. (See Richard Gage's presentation here)

The conclusions reached by NIST have been very troubling to the professionals of ae911truth.org who have examined these findings objectively. Demands for supporting documentation and calculations so that the findings can be independently verified have gone unanswered. Until NIST offers up some kind of documentation and/or calculations supporting their case, the notion that these buildings were deliberately destroyed in controlled demolitions will never go away. In fact, the longer they remain silent, the more credence it gives the idea that their conclusions are utterly bogus and criminally fraudulent.

The most obvious fact that these reports are just a cover-up is the admission by NIST that WTC 7, the THIRD building to come down that day, fell for 105 feet, 2.25 seconds, at free-fall acceleration. NIST admits it occurred, but fails to explain how it could have occurred in a gravity driven "progressive" collapse and will not address the obvious implications of free-fall. Their computer model, which can be seen here, doesn't even account for this clearly visible period of free-fall. In fact, their computer model does not even look remotely accurate to videos of the building's demise. Many people still to this day, including many architects and engineers, are completely unaware of Building 7. As evidenced at many of Mr. Gage's speaking engagements, engineers who once supported the NIST reports become detractors after learning of and seeing the rapid, uniform descent, of the 47 story steel and concrete behemoth. For further evidence of NIST outright fraudulent report on WTC 7, I suggest this book by David Ray Griffin.

The same goes for the Twin Towers. These 110 story mega-structures came down at a rate of nearly 10 stories per second. NIST will NOT discuss the features of the collapses, they will only go so far as the initiation of collapse and categorically state that "global collapse was inevitable". Having no precedent on which to base this statement on, it seems obvious that NIST wants to avoid discussing any part of the actual collapse. For answers as to why they will not, I suggest you see this, this, this, this, this, and this . For more information on the final report of towers 1 & 2 and their fraudulent nature, may I suggest you take an hour and watch this.

With the outrageous lies of WMD's, torture, outing of CIA agents, wiretapping, and the criminal behavior carried out by the previous Bush administration and continued on by the equally disingenuous Obama administration, the idea of 9/11 being a staged event is becoming far less radical. And now with 1000 architects and engineers adhering to the science, the credibility is growing as well. Momentum is gathering at a rapid pace and it won't be long before 2000, 3000, even more will have signed the same petition. Soon, there will be no more silence by our leaders. No more ignoring what these professionals have to say. We can only hope that the truth about 9/11 brings real, sweeping changes. Not just to government, but to how we behave as human beings to one another as individuals and as nations.

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