There is a tremendous opportunity for each of us to go out and ground the wild energies of our times for our people. If you have worked on your own issues and are feeling balanced and centered (which is the goal of Libra) then go relate to other people, because the more centered you are, the more you can help center people who are panicked, afraid, and angry. This is the gift of this Libra-Aries full Moon: if you know who you are and what you believe about your life and values, you can stand as a light for other people who are in the dark. This is the most precious form of relationship, where you get to be yourself and help others feel better about themselves. Just a smile and a bit of humor can turn around a bad situation if done in the spirit of truth.
Aries and Libra both have a lot to do with this balance of light and dark. When Aries begins in March at the Spring Equinox, we reach the balance point when now there begins to be more light in our day than darkness. When Libra begins at the Fall Equinox, we reach the balance point when darkness begins to grow greater than the light. Right now, we get to choose if we want to be balanced: do we become a light to others or do we live in the dark? And living in the Light means all we have to do is be our best selves, chose our highest values, and then really live it. It's time to walk our talk.
If any of you know the Arthurian legends, you'll remember the story of Lancelot having to walk across the sword bridge. Getting across this sword bridge symbolizes the ego's ability to keep our word, stand for what is just and fair, do what is right. The journey across it stands for the growth of consciousness. At Libra's harvest time, it's important for us to understand this, because our country and our world are changing, and the best way to deal with the change is to remember our highest values, our deepest stories, our truest Selves and then go do the best we can.
I've always thought that being conscious is much more interesting than being unconscious, just like being truly good and noble is much more sexy than being a bit bad and cruel. With consciousness comes freedom. We get to make our own way and grow according to our own nature. We're here on Earth to learn the lessons of finding spirit in our humanness. And spirit manifests as consciousness. Spirit lights up our souls and makes our personalities, our desires, our goals deeply fulfilling. And in times of need, our soul's light helps not only us, but those we come in contact with.
Venus and Mars play a role here, since Mars is the ruling planet of the Aries Full Moon and Venus rules the Libra Sun. Love and war. Connection and defending. Women and men. As Venus and Mars orbit around the Sun, they come together in the same part of the sky every few years. They once again came together on September 11th at 15 Libra: Circular Paths. “It is only when the individual has become fully attuned to, and in a sense identified with the vast planetary and cosmic rhythms of the universe, and thus free from emotional and group tensions, that he can act serenely and at peace along 'circular paths'.”(Dane Rudhyar) This conjunction offers us an opportunity to look at what happened on 9/11 and our reaction to it with new eyes. Do we continue to focus on war or do we begin to heal our nation and the world?
Of course, it also refers to the Wheel of the Year and the sure knowledge of repeating patterns. (so we can say, We won't be fooled again!) Another definition of this degree of Libra has to do with 'finding points of contact with others without making compromises; the individual as a microcosm of his society; a sure sense of direction.' Venus and Mars want to balance each other in Libra, with an equal amount of self-interest and openness to others' needs. Right now, both Venus and Mars have moved into Scorpio, and so their energies are undergoing a transformation, hopefully helping us recognize both our personal shadow and our collective shadow. Now is the time to learn from our mistakes in personal and social relationships.
Don't be afraid to take a stand/Mars. Just make sure you do it with love/Venus in your heart.
Now the other side of love is hate, and of course since humanity operates in duality, we can't have one without the other. It's always a choice. Venus and Mars in Scorpio can also make us passionate and vicious, especially if we don't want to let go of our darker, fear-based feelings. Have you noticed how nasty the political dialog has become? People are rightly angry, but if the tone goes overboard into rage, the collective unconscious energies can take over and create a mob mentality. Because of the fear of the future, the possibility of mass psychic contamination is enormous – this happened in Germany when Hitler rose to power.
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