(Article changed on July 25, 2013 at 19:59)
ACORN 8 and Federally Employed Women-Legal Education Fund (FEW/LEF) will co-host this year's Whistleblower Summit for Civil & Human Rights on July 29-31, 2013. The Government Accountability Project and the Pacifica Foundation will continue their support of whistleblowers and this event. Over the last seven years members from the Make it Safe Coalition (MISC) have arranged an assembly of whistleblowers in Washington, DC each year for an annual conference originally known as Washington Whistleblower's Week.We are proud to announce that Congressional
Black Caucus Chair Marcia Fudge (D-OH), Senator
Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) will be honored with a Pillar Human Rights Award for
International Persons of Conscience. We will also recognize journalists with
Pillar Awards this year; Rob Kall
will be recognized for OpEd News (New Media) and a posthumous award goes to
Ambrose Lane (Journalist) and Host of "We Ourselves" on WPFW.

Arlene Englehardt, Senator Charles Grassley and Michael McCray
(Image by Tanya Ward Jordan) Details DMCA
The Pillar is awarded to notable civil and human rights champions;
p revious recipients include Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Senator Charles "Chuck" Grassley
(R-IA) and Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO).
The public and all whistleblowers and their advocates, as well as the entire civil rights community are invited to participate. This conference theme is Whistleblowing Affects Everyone. From Black Farmers and USDA employees who report "pink slim" in our food supply, to NSA whistleblowers reporting domestic surveillance on the American people.--Whistleblowers Protect People. Gloria Minott, Public Affairs Director for WPFW will moderate this year's event.
Founded over 60 years ago to support Free Speech and First Amendment Rights, the Pacifica Foundation has fought for and vigorously defended these rights all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. A staunch supporter of unfettered free speech, the Pacifica National Board voted unanimously to support legislation that would protect Whistleblowers and Free Speech in 2010.
Consequently, the Pacifica Radio Network was the first national media organization to formalize its support for Whistleblowers. Once again, as in previous years, the Pacifica Foundation will actively participate and support this years Whistleblower Summit in Washington, DC.
The event will open with a Whistleblower Assembly at the Stewart R. Mott House on Capitol Hill including a symbolic "Empty Chair" welcome honoring courageous whistleblowers who cannot be present due to retaliatory imprisonment, untimely death or increased prosecution under the Obama Administration.
The conference will also feature a Whistleblower Book Signing and Film Screening at Busboys & Poets (5th and K. Street) on July 30, 2013 (6:00--10:00 PM).
Invited Authors:
James Holzrichter, A Just Cause--A Story of Courage, Hope & The Integrity of the American Dream
Marcel Reid and Michael McCray, ACORN 8: Race, Power & Politics--Memoirs of an ACORN Whistleblower.
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