Humans have choices. In this time of increasing chaos, we have choices to make every second: health vs. illness, happiness vs. sorrow, abundance vs. poverty, clean water vs. polluted water, beauty vs. ugliness, other-worldly life vs. cosmic isolation, peace vs. war.
We are in a global period of awakening to our own power, our own divinity, our own abilities to manifest and create. Here are several steps to cross the bridge from our physicality to our divinity in order to fuse body and soul and experience the unbelievable:
Gratitude and appreciation. From the moment we open our eyes to our tumble into sleep, we acknowledge the beauty, abundance and love all around us. We are blessed. Whether we believe God gave all this to us or we created it ourselves, thanks and gratitude become a way of life.
Living in the moment. We keep calendars and lists, and for some of us it keeps us organized and faithful to our commitments. We can still live in the moment, every second, every now. Gratitude and beauty every moment.
Trust that we co-create with God, in whatever form we believe God to be. Know we can do this. We have faith in our divine selves. Worrying is a full-time occupation of so many, but worrying only attracts what we worry about. One of the major universal laws is that like attracts like.
Think about what we think about. Everything is energy, even what appears to be solid and material. Thoughts and words are energy, and the instant we think, say or respond, we send that energy into the matrix, the collective unconscious, the web. Magical thinking indeed! As one of the first steps to spiritual evolution, we must get a grip on our thoughts. Living in the moment means training our brains in the moment. Delete negative or hurtful thoughts "draw a big "X through them or think "delete or "cancel. We constantly culture our mental abilities to think about the positive, refuse to engage in negativity, step away from thoughts and conversations that do not reflect our goals, think and talk about what does.
Imagine and intend what we want any situation or future world to be like. Imagination is the most celebrated gateway to creation. It is the first step to manifestation. Imagine all soldiers laying down their weapons and realizing war is futile. Picture it. Pray for it. Intend it. Then release it and allow its manifestation.
Picture abundance for everyone. Imagine no more famine. Think about people everywhere receiving pure water and unadulterated food. Greg Braden has translated The Lost Mode of Prayer from the First People, our native American siblings, who understand that prayer is not only intention and imagination but also picturing the answer and our response to it. Imagine every soldier suddenly realizing their purpose and activities are contradictory to our life purposes. Imagine them turning in their weapons to the commanding officer and saying, "I'm not gonna do this any more. Imagine battalions going AWOL and standing for peace. Imagine warships bringing our troops home to stay. Imagine our military loved ones returning to loving, healing, nourishing arms. Imagine the rest of us refusing to pay federal taxes to fund war. Imagine the impact each of us could have by supporting peace every moment. Imagine courage and fearlessness.
Create abundance. Turn yards into organic vegetable gardens. Refuse genetically manipulated and hybrid seeds. Plant heirlooms and rotate them annually. Order seeds now.
Bless food and drink at every meal. Send truth and thanks and love to every bite and sip we ingest, and it will nourish us. Dr. Etsuro Emoto (Messages from Water) has shown us that our thoughts and emotions affect the crystalline nature of water. The very energy of our thoughts, especially when powered by emotion can change the structure of water! Imagine! We are that powerful, and we can co-create nourishing food and water out of whatever we put into our mouths!
Shields up! Protect ourselves and those we love by creating a bubble around them or an octagonal crystal throughout them in our imagination. We can protect humans against the onslaught of poisonous electromagnetic waves from our wireless technology, from aluminum and other toxic substances precipitated from chemtrails from Air Force jets that persist and make much of our weather, from flu and other infectious diseases. Love the air, especially the cold bracing Arctic air of winter, for it delivers clean oxygen for our use.
Refuse all vaccines, for they are tools of manipulation, enslavement and illness.
Heal ourselves "spiritually, emotionally, physically. We often need help with this from therapists, angels or benevolent extraterrestrials, groups of like-minded folks. Ask. Ask mentally. Ask out loud. Pray. Expect. Know it will happen. Know it has already happened. Celebrate! Sing!
Love. Refuse to fear, no matter what. Know we can change the world by changing ourselves, our beliefs, our attitudes, our thoughts, our actions, our conversations, our emotional responses.
We are our own messiahs.
Love, Sue
We are in a global period of awakening to our own power, our own divinity, our own abilities to manifest and create. Here are several steps to cross the bridge from our physicality to our divinity in order to fuse body and soul and experience the unbelievable:
Gratitude and appreciation. From the moment we open our eyes to our tumble into sleep, we acknowledge the beauty, abundance and love all around us. We are blessed. Whether we believe God gave all this to us or we created it ourselves, thanks and gratitude become a way of life.
Living in the moment. We keep calendars and lists, and for some of us it keeps us organized and faithful to our commitments. We can still live in the moment, every second, every now. Gratitude and beauty every moment.
Think about what we think about. Everything is energy, even what appears to be solid and material. Thoughts and words are energy, and the instant we think, say or respond, we send that energy into the matrix, the collective unconscious, the web. Magical thinking indeed! As one of the first steps to spiritual evolution, we must get a grip on our thoughts. Living in the moment means training our brains in the moment. Delete negative or hurtful thoughts "draw a big "X through them or think "delete or "cancel. We constantly culture our mental abilities to think about the positive, refuse to engage in negativity, step away from thoughts and conversations that do not reflect our goals, think and talk about what does.
Imagine and intend what we want any situation or future world to be like. Imagination is the most celebrated gateway to creation. It is the first step to manifestation. Imagine all soldiers laying down their weapons and realizing war is futile. Picture it. Pray for it. Intend it. Then release it and allow its manifestation.
Picture abundance for everyone. Imagine no more famine. Think about people everywhere receiving pure water and unadulterated food. Greg Braden has translated The Lost Mode of Prayer from the First People, our native American siblings, who understand that prayer is not only intention and imagination but also picturing the answer and our response to it. Imagine every soldier suddenly realizing their purpose and activities are contradictory to our life purposes. Imagine them turning in their weapons to the commanding officer and saying, "I'm not gonna do this any more. Imagine battalions going AWOL and standing for peace. Imagine warships bringing our troops home to stay. Imagine our military loved ones returning to loving, healing, nourishing arms. Imagine the rest of us refusing to pay federal taxes to fund war. Imagine the impact each of us could have by supporting peace every moment. Imagine courage and fearlessness.
Create abundance. Turn yards into organic vegetable gardens. Refuse genetically manipulated and hybrid seeds. Plant heirlooms and rotate them annually. Order seeds now.
Bless food and drink at every meal. Send truth and thanks and love to every bite and sip we ingest, and it will nourish us. Dr. Etsuro Emoto (Messages from Water) has shown us that our thoughts and emotions affect the crystalline nature of water. The very energy of our thoughts, especially when powered by emotion can change the structure of water! Imagine! We are that powerful, and we can co-create nourishing food and water out of whatever we put into our mouths!
Shields up! Protect ourselves and those we love by creating a bubble around them or an octagonal crystal throughout them in our imagination. We can protect humans against the onslaught of poisonous electromagnetic waves from our wireless technology, from aluminum and other toxic substances precipitated from chemtrails from Air Force jets that persist and make much of our weather, from flu and other infectious diseases. Love the air, especially the cold bracing Arctic air of winter, for it delivers clean oxygen for our use.
Refuse all vaccines, for they are tools of manipulation, enslavement and illness.
Heal ourselves "spiritually, emotionally, physically. We often need help with this from therapists, angels or benevolent extraterrestrials, groups of like-minded folks. Ask. Ask mentally. Ask out loud. Pray. Expect. Know it will happen. Know it has already happened. Celebrate! Sing!
Love. Refuse to fear, no matter what. Know we can change the world by changing ourselves, our beliefs, our attitudes, our thoughts, our actions, our conversations, our emotional responses.
We are our own messiahs.
Love, Sue