This most diabolical, meanest and lowest of all crimes of the State …. It is true that capital is the cause of every war. But the guilt of war rests on our shoulders. It is we proletarians that make the conduct of war possible; it is for us likewise to prevent wars!” Ernst Friedrich 1924 (WAR AGAINST WAR).
On the surface, the term, “LAW ENFORCEMENT” denotes an Agency controlled and empowered by the Government to ENFORCE Law and, by so doing, maintain Public Order. Here, in its plain written form, the end objective and method of achieving the objective is deceptively sequenced out of order. In reality, however, the converse is truer: Maintain Public Order by Enforcing the Law.
Once the formality of kindling Public awareness (not necessarily gaining Public concurrence or support) is accomplished through appropriately packaged propaganda and media hype, the Enforcement muscle of the State is flexed to defuse dissent (i.e. exercise control and maintain Public Order) and promote compliance with a pre-designated PERT/ Gantt chart based route that conforms with State/Foreign policy (i.e., enforce the Law).
And History has also shown repeatedly that corrupt people do seek absolute power to enslave fellow man.
So how do corrupt, unscrupulous leaders generate popular support (or, at least, indifference, noninterference) with their policies, particularly those policies that are generally considered barbaric, downright evil, and shock the conscience; for instance, enable mass slaughter of a targeted race of defenseless citizens, yet maintain an air of respectability?
“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good… Ideology - that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors.” - Nobel Lareuate Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
To promote an insidious agenda, tyrants seek first to dehumanize the “minority” target population and influence the gullible “majority” to perceive them as “Evil-Parasitic-Inimical– Foreboding-A Threat-Criminal”. Pseudo-patriotic propaganda that instills fear, or insecurities or fuels prejudice amongst the citizenry, has been known to influence and promote justification for Leaders to seize carte blanc powers and deal with this new (created) “menace”. It becomes easier to victimize the target population with public support or, alternatively, it becomes possible to victimize absent public support but with public knowledge and concession to an unpopular state of affairs: A real-time enactment of the Predator-Prey equation disguised as a National Security imperative.
Recall our history of genocide, mass slaughter, an organized, systematic herding of the target population for ‘utilitarian’ purposes and/or eventual annihilation! It is shamefully obvious that these progressively cruel and degrading practices were neither necessary for public order, nor in conformity with the legitimate rights of the human person. The sole purpose evident here is the State’s decision to cull a targeted community consistent with National Policy dictates.
Whether the State is entitled to supreme authority to set aside or negate the “inalienable” rights of the individual (for whatever purported “justification”) is really a mute point open to fruitless philosophical discussion of interest to reclusive academicians – maybe! The fact remains, and history makes this very evident through man’s consistent record of ethnic “cleansing” thru’ genocide, or privilege of the victor over the vanquished, etc., the State most certainly does exercise veto power over Divine Law and universally recognized standard of humaneness and interpersonal conduct!
This is not an instant accomplishment. The soil has to be tilled before the seed can be sown! If one remembers the chronological events in Nazi Germany, the first step was to disarm the Jewish citizens (Firearms registration, regulation, confiscation - cf. “Düsseldorf Manifesto”), then ostracize and socially segregate through appropriate “legislation”. Then follows relocation of these unarmed “parasitic undesirables” including millions of aged, women, children, Gypsies, and the handicapped to concentration camps where they would be put to “good use” by the State: e.g. stripped of all possessions and dignity, forced into inhumane labor, tortured as subjects of live dissections and other demented medical experiments, murdered en mass, cremated en mass, stripped of any gold in their dentures, their skin made into wallets, handbags, belts and such; bones and ashes that fertilized fields in the Fatherland!
Most tyrants have been known to follow this template. Do a Google Search for “Holocaust”, or “Third Reich”, or “Nazi Atrocities” and see for yourself - PLEASE! Then, research along similar lines for Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Christian, Spanish, Serbian, U.S. atrocities, and such. One discovers that the history of “civilization”, as we know it, is built upon the innocent blood of the vanquished unfortunates. And we are becoming even more “civilized” into the future! Paradoxically, if ‘the shoe was on the other foot’, I dare say, there’d still be bloodshed! So what the heck!
I encourage you to reflect upon images of the victims and the evil manner of their death documenting Police crimes and unprovoked atrocities sanctioned by “civilized” governments on unarmed citizenry. One wonders if these atrocities could TRULY be the doing of human beings? “Civilized” human beings, at that? If so, we need to reevaluate our inventory of qualities that give credence to our claim that we’re human and civilized.
Those pictures represent a frightening peek into oneself that awakens a sober realization of the corruption and degeneracy lurking hidden in us all: a part of us that should never be allowed to surface.
During a quiet moment, ponder on why we rarely respond to heinous acts perpetrated by our leaders? And when (IF) we do, how come it is typically half-hearted and fleeting? What made us so “tolerant” toward the victimization of others? And what makes us so damn certain it won’t happen to us next?
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