Much of this talk about "violent rhetoric" misses the larger point. Yes, there is much violent talk, but do not allow the focus on the specific calls to violence, ie, sharron angle'a disgusting and fascistic reference to "2nd amendment solutions" to divert your attention from the real thing that inspires fascist assassins, which is the manipulation of their audiences via the unyielding stream of inflammatory outright lies that would get the average listener riled up, let alone a mental case !
I mean, consider that zillions of low information and childishly gullible Americans actually believed the swill about "Death Panels". Well I ask you, if you had been dumb enough to think that "government "Death Panels" were a true impending reality, and if you heard that horseshit night and day from limbaugh, hannity, mark levin, frank luntz, over and over again, would you not feel that you and your loved ones were in immediate danger ......and what might some people do in response to what they think is an imminent mass murder committed by a "liberal" federal government !?
So, my feeling is that it is the relentless daily outright lying; lying that never stops !......that, absent any specific call to violence, but always telling the uninformed and gullible "citizens" that "liberals" want to kill them, that is the true call to violence !
And radio gargoyles like mark levin, limbaugh, hannity, coulter, beck, and their managements, and thousands of other radio white mice (like andrew wilkow, jason mattera, et al) desperately trying to become the next Fat Rat, lie obscenely about grave matters zillions of times a day, thereby creating a daily typhoon of hate, ignorance, and viciousness in low information people who then get crazy with hate, as most folks would if they truly believed the torrent of evil bullshit that low-brow, rightist, poison radio serves up daily to easily manipulated "citizens" whose alleged minds are poisoned every single day by this evil cultural manifestation of low-brow rightist propaganda radio which has turned our country dumb and vicious.....on purpose.