Why the wildly disparate results for the different polls? It may be that those taking the web poll have greater exposure to alternative media sources which are more open to publish evidence that goes contrary to the official story of 9/11. Some crucial facts have not been reported in the mainstream media but can readily be found on the Internet. For example, damning scientific evidence such as the discovery of highly advanced military explosives found in the World Trade Center dust and the fact that the official explanation for how the three tower towers came down violates the laws of physics. 882 architects and engineers have signed a petition demanding the US Congress conduct a truly independent investigation. According to the Washington Post, sixty percent of the 9/11 Commission Report members have publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack. In July 2009, Mrs. Sibel Edmonds an FBI translator, broke the Federal gag order and went public to reveal that Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were all working for and with the C.I.A. up until the day of 9/11. The poll conducted in front of the library may have been dominated by people who read more and are more likely to investigate for themselves as opposed to believing what authorities tell them. Or perhaps the web and library polls were dominated by those who passionately disagree with the official story on 9/11 and came out to show their support.
Each poll allowed for citizens to voice their own personal comments on 9/11. Several common themes were apparent. A great number indicated how horrifying the event was and how it was a defining moment like the JFK assassination. For some the comparison was even more striking. They compared the JFK "magic bullet" theory to the unbelievable official 9/11 story. Many seemed puzzled why North Okanagan residents should care about 9/11 which happened eight years ago in another country. This is troubling since not only did 3000 people die on 9/11, including 24 Canadians, but over a million people have died in the resulting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Pakistan. Canada still has troops in Afghanistan and 131 so far have died there. Many of the dead in these military campaigns were innocent civilians including women and children. A study by Johns Hopkins University showed that US aerial bombing in civilian neighborhoods caused over a third of these deaths in Iraq. Why would the death and suffering of innocents not concern everyone? Not only that but this Orwellian "war on terror" is seemingly a war without end. When a wedding party is bombed this doesn't quench an uprising, it adds a powder-keg to it. A common theme among people that suspected government involvement in 9/11 was that people need to become aware and research for themselves instead of simply trusting what they see and hear in the mainstream media. To them, it was obvious and the facts are overwhelming when you take the time to carefully look at them. Another common theme is that several people had indicated that they had strongly supported the official story until they were exposed to evidence and unanswered questions that called into question the official story. This is a powerful incentive to activist groups on the importance of carefully providing strong clear evidence to allow people to make informed judgments. To this end we would like to encourage all people to visit our website http://www.vernon911truth.org to rationally look over the scientific and circumstantial evidence against the official story of 9/11. How can you be sure your view is correct if you refuse to even acknowledge an opposing viewpoint? For those that would like to be part of the truth please contact your local 9/11 grassroots movement. As Margaret Mead said: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."