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Congressional Circus Charades

Bob Gorringe
Message Bob Gorringe
What's happening in this country of ours?
A most bizarre confluence of events has invaded our political scene and yet the response is overall lukewarm complacency, lethargic resignation, or the usual relentless drive towards more entertainment and escape from reality.[tag]
A man, an indictable war criminal, from a country that earlier this last year slaughtered over two thousand people, the majority of them civilians and more than 500 of them children, apparently appeared before the American Congress having been invited by the most partisan obstructionist party in the history of this legislative body. And only 60 members chose not to attend in protest.
One from the opposing party, a Representative Jackie Speier, had a sudden ailment and needed a letter from her doctor to excuse her presence. A profile in courage if ever there was one. This indictable war criminal, President Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel, proceeded, amid many ovations, to lecture the elected representatives of this country as to what their position should be on its own foreign policy towards a third country, Iran.
There was a palpable fear among the Congressmen of being caught by the cameras ceasing to clap too early in the strained ovation confirming one's agreement with the war criminal's strong suggestions. Many news stories the following day from our corporate enabling media made this their focal point.
It seems this war criminal has a very influential lobbyist organization called AIPAC in Washington that acts as his political blitzkrieg, carpet bombing shock troopers to keep anyone in line should they not march to the tune dictated by the government of God's Chosen People.
That's why Representative Jackie Speier whose mother is Jewish, making her thusly one herself, needed that doctor's letter, since her constituency back home in California would see through what a lot of other citizens wouldn't, that her government was being held hostage essentially in full public view by an outside, ideological, right wing party of brutal thugs.
This was followed a couple of days later by 47 Republican Senators sending a letter to Iran, and stating in no uncertain terms, that they could cancel any agreements the present President of the US makes regarding nuclear technologies in ongoing negotiations, which this Israeli president suggested should not be approved by the US Congress.
Imagine having such control over our elected representatives that a foreign entity can get our Congress to dance to their tune! What quantities of money were passed liberally to these prostitutes and traitors to their own country?
This televised assault on our democracy by this sociopathic ego maniac was then upstaged by recent reporting of first, two British supply planes shot down by the Iraqi Army in Britain's attempts to deliver arms to ISIS, and second, by two American Apache helicopters attempting to also supply what American propaganda presstitues have been trying to characterize ISIS as being_barbaric terrorists, the greatest threat to Western Civilization since al Qaeda. http://youtu.be/0dsHobnN9CY &
Really? While our president and compliant, malleable media depict ISIS as Dick Cheney's "worst of the worst", the new and latest model of terrorist bent on destroying Western Civilization as we know it, our government, its military and our allies are strengthening these very same terrorists with weapons and supplies to sustain their efforts.
Am I the only person in this country that finds this just a little bit contradictory, even incongruous? And given that many of the fighters within ISIS have been responsible for American deaths, aren't these treasonous acts in themselves and just where is the iron hand of American Justice for such traitors? There was no nuance when the truck cowboy president from Crawford, Texas, told the world "You're either with us or you're against us."
Is this situation one of those gray areas where CIA approved military deliveries to an enemy are not labeled as treasonous? I don't think so. But America must, since our propaganda mouthpiece media hasn't even informed the American People of this recent discovery by news agencies that have done so to the rest of the world.
Why is it the internet, and not the mainstream media, has become the place to find the facts?
These very same media agencies have for some time now been alerting us to yet another incongruity for this nation's involvement in seven wars in what has been depicted as the War on Terror
Israel and Turkey have been allowing ISIS combatants to cross their borders to receive medical attention, sewing them back up so that they can return to being America's greatest enemy and threat to our security. Last I understood things, Israel and Turkey were our allies. http://youtu.be/vbgHsdkL40k
So here we are. Britain and the US are supplying weapons to ISIS while Israel and Turkey are healing the wounded ISIS soldiers so that they can return to the fight in Syria and just maybe kill American soldiers who might be there training our "moderate" (???) Syrian opposition forces. Sounds like a brilliant strategy to me, while President Obama and Secretary of State, John "how can you ask a person to be the last man to die for a mistake" Kerry are telling the American Public ISIS is the greatest threat to our national security and we must annihilate them.
Oh really? Only Bill O'Lie-ly could deliver that one with the necessary gravitas to get his 70 year old plus audience of authoritarian followers to gullibly accept it without questioning. Wasn't it President Theodore Roosevelt who once said that the highest form of patriotism was dissent? Won't find that coming from the trough feeders at Fox Guarding the Henhouse News channel. They're true Americans, no questions asked, love it or leave it, you're with us or you're against us, Semper Fi.
By the way, Bill O'Reilly was covering the news story about the Apache helicopters and was actually involved in the pulling of American servicemen from the burning helicopters, thus saving their lives. But we'll never hear about that because Bill is a modest patriot who has a whole collection of military medals for valor and a Peabody Award in journalism to prove it.
And how is it now that Iran is fighting alongside the Iraqi Army against ISIS and our Fourth Estate hasn't even notified their fellow Americans of this latest development which for some is an inconvenient truth?
We had John McCain's singing rendition parody of the Beach Boys song___ "Bomb, bomb, bomb.....bomb, bomb, Iran" during his bid for the presidency. And now we have Bibi Netanyahu's masked attempt at statesmanship, with the refrain for the same song in the hallowed-hollowed Halls of our Congress.
But the Iraqi Army is quite satisfied to accept the support of Iran in their bid to drive ISIS from their country, the same Iraqi Army we take credit for training so superbly. Clearly, Iraq is now a free and independent country because of our beneficence, destroying it to save itself from itself. And ought not we to be there side by side with our US trained army personel, and not dropping off weapons to "the Other Side"?
Are you as confused as I am?
I mean has Congress become a Busby Berkeley Hollywood extravaganza of a freak show? Are Americans so inured to their circus politicians waddling into its chambers with foreign donated dollars falling out of their overly stuffed pockets to even take note anymore of just how ludicrous this scene has become?
With all the political theatrics employed for maximum effect , one can almost see Mel Brooks popping out of a box behind Bibi, and together, both Hitlerianly mustachioed breaking into a dance number from "Springtime for Hitler_A Gay Romp with Hitler and Eva".
In this country of ours we have apparently reached the apex where nothing is sacred or hallowed anymore, facts can be modified to suit any belief system, and supplying arms to America's latest enemy for hire gets a pass because the CIA has a master plan dutiful citizens need to be deceived about by the eloquent president with the Pepsodent Smile.
And speaking of toothpaste, one has to wonder about the contention that the Nazis used fluoride in the drinking water they gave to their Jewish workforce in their concentration camps, as the Nazis discovered they then needed only one out of the four previous guards they used to manage them. It made their victims more compliant.
Hey, America, isn't it about time you started brushing your teeth with Neem or bi-carbonate of soda. You seem to be missing the most obvious and glaring realities of what your government is actually up to, as they send your sons and daughters off to die for an abstraction, while arming the very people they tell you we're supposed to be fighting.
Instead of playing this game of cashing in on the Israeli bottomless pockets in the US House of Cards, how about our elected representatives start finding out the answer to this question that screams out for truth?
Or is that just the purpose of all the charades, and more Americans lives will be sacrificed and even exponentially more Middle Eastern lives placed on the altar of American Imperialist Hegemony?
As Netanyahu leaves the dais of the Congress, should we end this with a Daffy Duck cartoon? Wouldn't want to shock the American Public with too much harsh reality. Better to leave them laughing, right? All the better to wallow back into their comfort cocoons, untouched by what's really happening.
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Concerned citizen, free lance writer from San Francisco, CA.,part of the Occupy Movement in San Francisco since its inception on September 17, 2011, and a member of Codepink

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