Corrupt government elements, and others, plan to keep their power and control over YOU... at ANY cost!
They are undoubtedly planning any number of events and making preparations for themselves and their power base to maintain control through chaos caused by them personally. THIS is the threat we face now.
911 was the next, much bigger arrogant and destructive step which is awakening a sleeping giant, once again, and is threatening to stall their plans...
Think about this: How difficult would it be for them to obtain some salmonella, and send forth a dozen or two of their brain-dead soldiers into the cities and countryside to contaminate our food supply to maintain this fear and to continue to consolidate power? How inept is this government in that this health threat has gone on for so long with almost completely imbecile agencies supposedly doing something? All they have to do is play dumb and do nothing and let fear and the media propaganda machine go to work. The FDA has proven totally useless... so our government will likely come up with a "better solution" to control food across the country... and likely consolidate food production into very large corporate structures, and eliminate the small family farm, organic farms, local farmer's markets, and locally grown and natural foods, "for our safety."Flu has recently been used to "prepare" our population, and the world, for an "inevitable pandemic," or one like it. (Google "weapons grade bird flu"). This is being prepared right now. How ready are you for this?What if the trucks stopped rolling across America? Think this would be hard to manipulate with some contrived disaster? How would you eat? How would you survive? Have you planned for this at all? Could you feed your kids? The available evidence of corruption in our government, military, media and corporate structures is undeniable. If we think for one minute that these forces are NOT conspiring, right now, to keep that power, and to establish even more power and control over Americans, we have lost the war, and our country and way of life already. It has been going on for decades, little by little, with almost no distractions to their agenda, but recently, resistence to their new world order and one world government plans by those waking up to their pathological insanity, have been instrumental in causing these evil "aliens" to take more drastic steps to keep their momentum going. This is their weakness, and is exacerbating their problems. Organic food has been growing in popularity for a decade or more, but this goes contrary to the power elite's agenda of control. Small farms and local or national organically grown foods are power bases to the People which the elite cannot control. So, they simply create a disaster using biological agents, or some other contamination in major local power bases, and suddenly you have people falling prey to their mind control tactics. They now have their excuse to take over this area "for national security," implement expensive tracking methods that only the wealthy corporations can afford, and you can eliminate natural foods, or locally grown foods in one fell swoop, and help support the medical industry and drug companies because people won't have access to means to prevent poor health. They continually attempt to control natural supplements under the guise of programs such as the Codex Alimentarius... (Google "Codex Alimentarius"). Just another means to subjugate the People. Diabolical genius at work. Why has alternative energy NOT been instituted over the last few decades? Alternative energy gives another power base to the People. Having your own energy makes you less reliant on big brother, and more free. Local energy production, solar, wind, geothermal, or more exotic and readily available forms of energy create a freer People. The elite don't want this and have been fighting this all along the way. How hard would it be to weaponize any number of pathogens, just as they used the weapons grade anthrax to scare our congressman in the 911 aftermath? Chemtrails (Google "chemtrails") have been sprayed throughout the country and world for many years, reportedly consisting of everything from barium and aluminum oxides for weather control, to biological agents such as human blood, virus particles, bacteria, and other elements, and more, for health manipulation and population control. How hard would it be to "innoculate" the population with "bird flu" virus or any other agent they would dream up, whether in chemtrails, or simply doing so in crowded cities or airports? How about one or more small suitcase, or much smaller, nuke detonated in some area of our country? Do we really believe they wouldn't do this to stop the loss of their power, declare martial law, stop elections, suppress freedoms and to keep us in our "place?" What about declaring the dollar "demonetized" to manipulate wealth, control the looming financial disaster, and introduce the new North American Union's (Google "North American Union") fake money, the "Amero," (Google "Amero") all to impoverish mass segments of our People (to be poor like most Mexicans) and institute a one continental union of America, Mexico and Canada? This is in the works right now behind you back, by your servant government... serving ONLY itself. Do you think it is a coincidence that our infrastructure is so damaged and degraded? What better way to control the flow of People... especially People joining with other like-minded People to help each other in a time of crises or to try to find food or water in the wilderness? More control... "If you want to eat, you'll do... this or that." How hard would it be to implement explosives in any new "road construction projects" to stop travel across the country, or to be used in a time of martial law when the government believes it has lost control? They work continually to take our guns away from us... likely creating the occasional school shooting disaster using some patsie or delusional guy to create support for more gun laws, all which do nothing but give criminals weapons and deprives the People of a means to prevent a rogue government from completely taking over. Easy to arrange this right under our noses, and either kill the poor sap to silence him, or wisk him out to "witness protection" saying he "killed himself" but unfortunately killed a dozen of our kids. And they have the gall to demand there be no guns in schools and elsewhere... After all... they don't want their own shoot at when they perform these staged events to manipulate public consciousness. How many other "ways and means" does government have to control and manipulate us? It is all far too easy because we allow it. In all this, they know they are dealing with a large majority of sheeple, not patriotic, brave and self-determining Americans, and it is VERY easy to scare and intimidate sheeple with the littlest of issues. A simple "boo" and they are on the run. Fear will make normal, logical and reasonable people do insane things, like give up their freedoms and rights if someone else will supposedly protect them from the supposed boogeymen... the ones created by the bullies in power to "shepherd" the sheeple to think what THEY want them to think, to DO what THEY want them to do, and to give up money and other freedoms as payment for this malevolent "protection." They steal our money through quasi-government agencies like the IRS and Federal Reserve. They devalue our dollar, force us into a form of slavery in order to just survive, and use it all to keep us distracted from the real issues taking place behind closed doors. Americans are willingly enslaving themselves through acquiescence, apathy, fear and blind ignorance... and seemingly enjoying it. (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher).