Here is a copy of the questions in a letter I sent to my congressperson, a Blue Dog Democrat. If I could get to a Town Hall these are the questions I would respectfully ask her. The Administration and Pelosi/Reid have tried to get Healthcare Reform (now repackaged as Heath Insurance Reform) rammed through Congress before voters could read the bill and ask questions like the ones below. I actually have a lot more questions. You should be asking questions too. To paraphrase Senator McCaskill, do you trust these people? My answer: H**l No.
Your bill structures the penalties for small businesses not providing health insurance in such a way that it is cheaper for the business to pay the penalty than it is to insure its employees, leaving employees no choice but to take the government option. This does not give the employees much of a choice, does it? They are effectively forced into the government option. Is this the kind of choice the president is talking about and is something you favor?
Why are you imposing additional mandates and taxes on small businesses, which create the overwhelming majority of new jobs, to pay for healthcare reform (aka Heath Insurance Reform) in the middle of a severe recession?
Many people would wait until after a major illness and then apply for health care under your bill. Is it fair to allow people to wait until there's a need and wouldn't this drive up the cost since they would not pay into the system until after they have major medical bills?
On page 909 of your bill, grants to medical schools will be awarded "to entities that have a demonstrated record of the individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds." Shouldn't awards be given to those most competent, regardless of minority group or background? They may well be from these groups, but competency should not be penalized. Isn't this provision in your bill racially biased?
While your bill doesn't specifically address taxpayer paid-for abortions, it does not have language that prevents the Healthcare Advisory Commission from deciding that abortion is a covered medical procedure. Abortion is murder and should not be paid for by taxpayers. How are you going to prevent taxpayer money from being used to pay for abortions? Did you vote to kill the Pitts Amendment? If so, why?
The doctor, under your bill, is supposed to give elderly patients information about end-of-life issues. Is a doctor qualified to give legal advice to patients concerning the content of wills, etc.?
Why are you and the president pushing through a healthcare bill that would cost another trillion dollars over the next ten years when we have huge deficits and will have problems financing it? Can you promise that you will not vote for any measure that raises taxes?
Recalling what happened to that poor woman in Oregon who was told by her State Heathcare board that they wouldn't pay for the medicine she needed but would pay for someone to kill her, will you oppose any healthcare reform bill that in any way limits my access to healthcare or medicines recommended by my doctor?
Your bill provides funds for sidewalks and street lights in communities? How is this pork related to healthcare reform (or, using its newly adopted name) health insurance reform? Are you doing all you possibly can fighting against wasteful pork barrel spending like this? If communities in New York need new sidewalks and street lights should we be forced to pay for them?
Why is your bill imposing community rating systems for pricing insurance on the insurance companies? In every state that has done this the insurance rates are double those in non-community rating system states. Are you trying to put insurance companies out of business by imposing ridiculous rules like this on them?
In sections 440 and 1904 of your House bill (Page 838), under the
heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and
families expecting children." The programs would educate parents on
child behavior and parenting skills. Are you familiar with this part of
your bill? How are they going to be educated? Whose child behavior
principles would be used? Is this just a form of government
indoctrination? Do you want government agents coming into your home and
telling you the best way to parent your children? When did government health
care turn into government child care?
Are you proud of the role you have played in creating the largest deficit in this country's history? And the deficit is still growing. How are we going to pay for all this spending that you have voted for?
Have you publicly denounced Speaker Pelosi, the President, the DNC, and other members of your party for using divisive, hateful, and dishonest comments about ordinary citizens who are honestly and respectfully dissenting about Healthcare Reform (aka Health Insurance Reform)?
Does your vote for Healthcare Reform (aka Health Insurance Reform) help or hurt your chances of being re-elected in 2010?
Thank you for serving our District and remembering who elected you.
Your bill structures the penalties for small businesses not providing health insurance in such a way that it is cheaper for the business to pay the penalty than it is to insure its employees, leaving employees no choice but to take the government option. This does not give the employees much of a choice, does it? They are effectively forced into the government option. Is this the kind of choice the president is talking about and is something you favor?
Why are you imposing additional mandates and taxes on small businesses, which create the overwhelming majority of new jobs, to pay for healthcare reform (aka Heath Insurance Reform) in the middle of a severe recession?
Many people would wait until after a major illness and then apply for health care under your bill. Is it fair to allow people to wait until there's a need and wouldn't this drive up the cost since they would not pay into the system until after they have major medical bills?
On page 909 of your bill, grants to medical schools will be awarded "to entities that have a demonstrated record of the individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds." Shouldn't awards be given to those most competent, regardless of minority group or background? They may well be from these groups, but competency should not be penalized. Isn't this provision in your bill racially biased?
The doctor, under your bill, is supposed to give elderly patients information about end-of-life issues. Is a doctor qualified to give legal advice to patients concerning the content of wills, etc.?
Why are you and the president pushing through a healthcare bill that would cost another trillion dollars over the next ten years when we have huge deficits and will have problems financing it? Can you promise that you will not vote for any measure that raises taxes?
Recalling what happened to that poor woman in Oregon who was told by her State Heathcare board that they wouldn't pay for the medicine she needed but would pay for someone to kill her, will you oppose any healthcare reform bill that in any way limits my access to healthcare or medicines recommended by my doctor?
Your bill provides funds for sidewalks and street lights in communities? How is this pork related to healthcare reform (or, using its newly adopted name) health insurance reform? Are you doing all you possibly can fighting against wasteful pork barrel spending like this? If communities in New York need new sidewalks and street lights should we be forced to pay for them?
Why is your bill imposing community rating systems for pricing insurance on the insurance companies? In every state that has done this the insurance rates are double those in non-community rating system states. Are you trying to put insurance companies out of business by imposing ridiculous rules like this on them?
In sections 440 and 1904 of your House bill (Page 838), under the
heading "home visitation programs for families with young children and
families expecting children." The programs would educate parents on
child behavior and parenting skills. Are you familiar with this part of
your bill? How are they going to be educated? Whose child behavior
principles would be used? Is this just a form of government
indoctrination? Do you want government agents coming into your home and
telling you the best way to parent your children? When did government health
care turn into government child care?
Are you proud of the role you have played in creating the largest deficit in this country's history? And the deficit is still growing. How are we going to pay for all this spending that you have voted for?
Have you publicly denounced Speaker Pelosi, the President, the DNC, and other members of your party for using divisive, hateful, and dishonest comments about ordinary citizens who are honestly and respectfully dissenting about Healthcare Reform (aka Health Insurance Reform)?
Does your vote for Healthcare Reform (aka Health Insurance Reform) help or hurt your chances of being re-elected in 2010?
Thank you for serving our District and remembering who elected you.