We all have someething in common,the desire for cleanliness.
There is no doubt that global warming deniers are sending vast amounts of money to media reporters and spokespersons on the right. According to The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) hundreds of millions are being spent on global warming denial lobbying and advertising. At the same time, deniers are fighting legislation to clean up our environment.
Taking a few hours out of my life one day, I went to Rush Limbaugh's website to find out who his advertisers were there. He had links to The Heritage Foundation. There I found the link to the Minority staff report to the US Senate and Environment and Public works committee. It is a global warming denial report. Limbaugh obviously believes that report. And evidentially so does George Will because that is where I found most of the words he wrote in his Newsweek and Washington Post articles denying global warming.
Global warming deniers are convinced that these claims of climate change are vastly overrated and based on climate models that are inaccurate and faulty. According the Heritage Foundation's Ben Lieberman, "For more than a decade, we have opposed costly and ill-advised measures that were promoted as panaceas for global warming."
They oppose anything that might cost money and they especially oppose the Environmental Protection Agency.
Ben Lieberman likes to refer to the 2008 U.S. Senate Minority Report on the Environment when he claims..."The cost of the policy prescriptions being debated in Poznan is very high and would be worth imposing only if global warming were truly a dire threat. Growing scientific evidence casts doubt on whether global warming constitutes such a threat, including the fact that 2008 is about to go into the books as a cooler year than 2007."
It seems that someone went out and found some scientists who were willing to sign a list denying global warming. I hear the cigarette industry found some scientists to hide the dangers of smoking and the drug industry found some to vouch for the safety of Valium.
Environmental Defense however says the last ten years have been the hottest and 2008 was still hotter than in the previous ten year period. Isn't it amazing what you can do with statistics?
EDF also says that "$450 million is the amount spent on lobbying and political contributions by opponents of global warming action in 2008; that 52 is the number of public spokespersons engaged by polluters and the ideological right to spread disinformation about global warming online and in the media; that 2,340 is the number of paid lobbyists working in Washington on climate change in 2008; that 7 in 8 is the Proportion of climate lobbyists advocating against climate action. And that $45 million is the amount spent on global warming denial advertising by the coal industry in 2008. Opponents of global warming are spending $1.23 million/day on lobbying and political contributions alone.
At least someone has a job.
According to EDF zero is the Number of retractions and/or corrections published by the Washington Post after running a column by George Will containing demonstrably false claims about global warming."
How can The Heritage Foundation be so wrong? One would think that such an influential group would have some climate scientists on its global warming experts list, but I could only find policy analysts. No scientists, let alone climate scientists.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of global warming and climate change, I want to remind you of some very important things that we all can agree upon. Humans do not want to live in filth.
No one likes to breathe polluted air. No one wants to drink bad water. No one wants their children to be contaminated with heavy metals and gender-bending endocrine disruptors. No one wants to see our forests dying from acid rain. No one wants to see dead zones in the oceans. No one wants to see different endangered species dying off from contamination and draught. No one wants the rain forests to disappear and become poisoned from drilling for oil and clear cutting.
Lead author and researcher Chris Jones said at a climate conference in Copenhagen. "On any kind of pragmatic timescale, I think we should see loss of the Amazon forest as irreversible."
Clearly the world is losing species, rain forests, clean air and water, and ultimately human life. We cannot survive in a filthy, dirty environment. And just remember, the hotter it gets and the less water you have, the dirtier it is going to get.