That Christopher Dodd is not seeking re-election in 2010 is not surprising. Having battled health issues, allegations of improper ties to Countrywide Financial, and having presided over the biggest bailout in history as chair of the Senate Banking Committee, it was going to be an uphill battle in an increasingly hostile climate.
The leading contenders for the seat seem to be former CT Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (D), and hedge fund manager Peter Schiff (R). Blumenthal's career is lackluster, especially contrasted to AGs like Eliot Spitzer or Andrew Cuomo in pursuit of the financial services industry. Schiff is riding on the coattails of Ron Paul, for whom he served as a financial adviser, and is popular on the tea party circuit.
With the county on the verge of collapse, the democratic party punch-drunk, the "establishment" hated more than ever, and most people feeling like they've got nothing to lose, what better time for you, Ralph Nader, to throw your hat in the ring?
You would make this a 3-way race, and likely win on the basis of your superior credentials and breadth of experience, compared to these limited specialists. You were lambasted for your appraisal of president-elect Obama, but by now well more than half of the country agrees with you. The only criticism you're likely to face is the old "spoiler" canard, which stings much less now that we see what a centrist democrat can do for America. Not to mention, nobody would lose much sleep over Blumenthal's election being spoiled, and Peter Schiff, despite his downside, is no George Bush.
I have some unsolicited advice for you, Mr. Nader, should you choose to run:
1) Stay away from global warming. If you're going to talk about it, focus on your longstanding opposition to cap & trade, and support of the Danish approach of combining environmental protection with industrial growth. People now think (rightly, in my opinion) that global warming is a scam to finalize the de-industrialization of the USA. Don't talk about "green jobs." Talk about "productive jobs." People don't care about green when they can't pay their bills.
2) Schiff is too right wing for 90% of voters. Highlight his non-solutions and use single-payer as a critique of the current approach to healthcare. Monopolize the senior and working/middle-class votes by being the loudest advocate for medicare, social security and other New Deal policies.
3) Run as an Independent. The Green Party is an irrelevant mess, and will be seen by most voters as quasi-communist. You have enough credibility on your own. If I were you, I would cast myself as the only true conservative in the race, as in conserving jobs and industry, in contrast with Schiff's free market nonsense and Blumenthal's establishment neoliberalism.
4) Catalyze an "Anti-Fascist" coalition and hold "Rallies Against Fascism" rather than solo campaign speeches, drawing speakers from across the political spectrum. Get people like Jesse Ventura and Lou Dobbs to show up. Have fun and get a much-needed movement started. Don't do TV interviews on Comedy Central or late-night talk shows, where you will be ridiculed. Do as many interviews on Fox News as possible, where the attempts to sling mud at you always backfire.
5) Reintroduce "protectionism" into the political dialogue, and run on a positive vision for rebuilding America. If you're talking about building high-speed maglev rail systems and protecting American manufacturers against cheap foreign labor, and Peter Schiff is talking about limited government, who do you think Connecticutians (sp?) will vote for?
You can win this one, Mr. Nader. Wouldn't you rather go down with guns blazing than ride off into the sunset?
The leading contenders for the seat seem to be former CT Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (D), and hedge fund manager Peter Schiff (R). Blumenthal's career is lackluster, especially contrasted to AGs like Eliot Spitzer or Andrew Cuomo in pursuit of the financial services industry. Schiff is riding on the coattails of Ron Paul, for whom he served as a financial adviser, and is popular on the tea party circuit.
With the county on the verge of collapse, the democratic party punch-drunk, the "establishment" hated more than ever, and most people feeling like they've got nothing to lose, what better time for you, Ralph Nader, to throw your hat in the ring?
You would make this a 3-way race, and likely win on the basis of your superior credentials and breadth of experience, compared to these limited specialists. You were lambasted for your appraisal of president-elect Obama, but by now well more than half of the country agrees with you. The only criticism you're likely to face is the old "spoiler" canard, which stings much less now that we see what a centrist democrat can do for America. Not to mention, nobody would lose much sleep over Blumenthal's election being spoiled, and Peter Schiff, despite his downside, is no George Bush.
1) Stay away from global warming. If you're going to talk about it, focus on your longstanding opposition to cap & trade, and support of the Danish approach of combining environmental protection with industrial growth. People now think (rightly, in my opinion) that global warming is a scam to finalize the de-industrialization of the USA. Don't talk about "green jobs." Talk about "productive jobs." People don't care about green when they can't pay their bills.
2) Schiff is too right wing for 90% of voters. Highlight his non-solutions and use single-payer as a critique of the current approach to healthcare. Monopolize the senior and working/middle-class votes by being the loudest advocate for medicare, social security and other New Deal policies.
3) Run as an Independent. The Green Party is an irrelevant mess, and will be seen by most voters as quasi-communist. You have enough credibility on your own. If I were you, I would cast myself as the only true conservative in the race, as in conserving jobs and industry, in contrast with Schiff's free market nonsense and Blumenthal's establishment neoliberalism.
4) Catalyze an "Anti-Fascist" coalition and hold "Rallies Against Fascism" rather than solo campaign speeches, drawing speakers from across the political spectrum. Get people like Jesse Ventura and Lou Dobbs to show up. Have fun and get a much-needed movement started. Don't do TV interviews on Comedy Central or late-night talk shows, where you will be ridiculed. Do as many interviews on Fox News as possible, where the attempts to sling mud at you always backfire.
5) Reintroduce "protectionism" into the political dialogue, and run on a positive vision for rebuilding America. If you're talking about building high-speed maglev rail systems and protecting American manufacturers against cheap foreign labor, and Peter Schiff is talking about limited government, who do you think Connecticutians (sp?) will vote for?
You can win this one, Mr. Nader. Wouldn't you rather go down with guns blazing than ride off into the sunset?