"Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece." ... Ralph Charell
The political party's President/Vice Presidential nominees have been confirmed taking the speculative guesswork out of what agenda each will be pursuing if elected. My expectation is the public is headed for a major disappointment after November's election because the centrism they're promising doesn't vary drastically from one another insuring the corrupt established order remains in authority.
Voters need look no farther than the foreign policy positions of Obama and McCain to see where their loyalties are embedded. Each man has bowed down to the global corporate aggressor thus surrendering our nation's sovereignty to a form of reprehensible acquisitiveness, insatiable in its desire for trigger-happy riches. While they stand before the electorate promising to defend this nation from external threats, their ornateness fails to acknowledge the true to life domestic indigences being forcefully pushed upon our citizens as a consequence.
Both the ongoing Iraq quagmire and the renewal of the Cold War with Russia are indicative of what American citizens can expect from the two leading political candidates competing to be in charge of our nation's destiny for the next four or eight years. McCain is determined to defeat the adversaries of U.S. imperialism at all costs while Obama has crafted a feebler response which relies on diplomacy initially while reserving the right to use aggressive force later if need be. Although their approaches may vary slightly each is willingly to use belligerent means if necessary to achieve predatory capitalistic practices for rapacity's sake.
Foreign policy has become the scourge of our time as politicians heedlessly drain the Treasury in a perverted act of selfishness to defend worldwide plans for corporate largess at taxpayers expense. Civilians have been transformed into automatic teller machines from which the Presidency and Congress can draw upon at will to achieve their narcissistic objectives. Just last week, Vice President Cheney promised Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili "$1 billion in relief and economic assistance to help it recover from defeat by Russian forces". Although Cheney offered to defend the former Russian province from violations of its "territorial integrity" what the "Daddy Warbucks" of the GOP establishment was insidiously conveying is America would stand firm in its material commitment to protect the strategic oil pipeline running through the heart of the country. It's also consistent with Sarah Paulin's recent abmission to ABC's political commentator Charles Gibson Georgia must be defended from threats to its self-determination.
Armed conflict throughout the world has become the means for which the United States justifies occupying weaker nations for their mineral resources which American firms desire. Georgia is the latest example but there was Vietnam, Iran, Iraq and a host of Caribbean/South American nations previously who suffered affronts to their nation's autonomy at the hands of our pillaging. Whether covert or explicit the actions taken have damaged this country's credibility across global humanity as one geographical region after another is forced to endure a kind of U.S. corporate fascism in pursuit of an unregulated empire answerable to no one.
Meanwhile, our Congressional body and its Executive branch have come under the influence of cash peddling hucksters for the military/industrial complex seeking to remodel our Constitution into one that protects collective rights exclusively rather than the individual freedoms it was designed to. Its evolved into an amoral, tainted system characterized by bribes and debauchery for sale to the highest bidder which transfers power to the Pentagon bureaucracy before considering the domestic concerns of our citizens. Under this scheme, we've become the oppressed for the sake of the plutocrats these demagogues have taken us to be.
What Obama and McCain are promising is nothing more than political procrastination which voters ASS(ume) will magically turn into perestroika if either is elected in November. Their deputies on the campaign trail, Joe and Sarah function as marketing gimmicks hoping to put them over the top in their quest for emperor of the global, authoritarian state they've established without our consent. Neither man offers hope from the encumbrances people are facing because each is addicted to enabling corporate welfare without shame. Watch how speedily pledges to the constituency are transgressed in favor of business resolutions once the victor is decided. In there place will be what the special interests have bought and paid for rather than meaningful answers to the financial difficulties average persons have been grappling with the last seven years.
Cleaning up Washington is the buzz phrase capturing individual's imaginations presently but comes with varying connotations. To Republicans it means eliminating social programs and transferring the savings to no-bid military contractors. Since the Clinton presidency, Democrats have decided two can play this game and softened their platform to appease disgruntled Blue Dogs within their Party. Although an intriguing arrangement, it's caused the monolithic fraud, waste and abuse we operate under now.
I was told once by a politician voters elect officials to make decisions for them. True, but the determinations being made today are solely from a selfish perspective. When we overcome this dilemma, Americans will stop saying democracy is broken and believe in our country again.