With an Obama victory, progressives have a mandate and responsibility to aggressively envision and describe, outline and propose positive new directions for our culture, nation and world.
Unless the twentyfirst century's greatest theft happens, Obama will be president on November 5th.
That's when we progressives must hit the gas pedal and drop into overdrive, doing all we can to push him, his appointments and policies to the left. You can be sure, those in the faux middle and on the right have been preparing, gearing up to do all they can o push him to the right. Some of these efforts have already seen the light of day.
If you thought you needed OEN before, under Bush, when things were at their worst, well, OEN and the progressive media will be needed more now than ever. We've built a visibility and influence that gives us a voice and we intend to use it to do all we can to persuade, convince and push Obama and the 111th congress towards more progressive ways of thinking.
Whether you voted for Obama, Nader, McKinney, Barr or if you refused to vote, once the election is over, it is time to jump on the opportunity. One thing is true. Obama is the most liberal president elected in decades, possibly in history. Only time will tell.
One problem is that power curve, or the eighty twenty rule, which, in reality is more like the one-ninetynine rule-- one percent of the people do ninetyninepercent of the activism.
We at OEN are doing all we can to empower a change in those numbers. Just imagine, If we double them, from less than 1% being active on the site to two percent or three percent-- not that big a jump, we are actually making a huge increase in what gets done. Can you get on board? Start with some easy, simple steps. Take your participation to the next level. Just a reader, sign up as a member. Already a member, then post a comment or add a quicklink. Already posting comments? Then post a diary or submit an article. Already posting diaries and comments, then volunteer to be an editor or transcriber or think of other ways you can help.
Now, those are ways you can help OEN make a bigger difference. But the same applies to going to the next level in your activism. Do some research. Learn about political activism-- all the ways you can become involved and actually take steps to do something, or something more. Learn about community organizing, which is, in many ways different from political activism.
Find out who the staffers are for your senators and your member of the house. Ask for their numbers and emails and keep a record of them.
Dig up all you can on local advocacy organizations. Make contacts with other activists in the area. Build bridges and coalitions. Remember that the big changes in this world get made by one percent of us, or less. That gives YOU a lot of power. Connect with a few other change makers and you can make huge changes. Who would have believed, not too long ago, that a black man would become president of the United States? We can make big changes happen. The election of Obama is just he beginning.
Be assured, there will be huge lashes back against this. People will probably die. Almost everyone I talk to fears for Obama's life. The existing powers will not passively accept the changes that have evolved. We are moving from a top down to bottom up culture. This is a huge revolution which the top down power holders will fight with everything they've got.
In the coming months, we need progressive voices expressing positive visions of what a move to the left will look like in all facets and areas of government and culture. We need to see these ideas and visions flower in great multitudes. This is a call and invitation for you to express your visions.
You can do it by posting comments on this article or you can post your own diaries, articles and polls.