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Happy Fifth Anniversary, Hillary, You've Destroyed Libya

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Edward Curtin
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By Edward Curtin As Hillary Clinton Testifies, How Will Libya Shape Her Legacy ...

Convention confetti raining down on smiling faces should not conceal the bloody truth that trails Hillary Clinton. As the balloons rise to celebrate her triumph, her victims continue to fall.

Following the bidding of her oligarchic backers in the hidden government, she has always been fervently eager to lend her immoral authority to the massacre of foreign peoples and the destruction of their central governments. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Serbia, etc. -- the list is as long as her moral turpitude is deep.

But as the "Queen of Chaos" is crowned and feted in the City of Brotherly Love, it is crucially important that we recall her role five years ago in the destruction of the African country that had the highest living standard on the continent, excellent health care, free education, good social services, etc. -- Libya.

As Libya, according to plan, has descended into civil war and chaos (see Iraq, Syria, etc.) as a result of the 2011 "humanitarian intervention" instigated by Clinton and her ilk, it has disappeared from mainstream media propaganda. Out of sight, out of mind. It will reappear in the corporate press if the American/Nato aggressors decide to bomb the country again in alliance with their friend, the Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, probably in support of the CIA-affiliated General Khalifa Haftar, who is presently wreaking havoc in eastern Libya with western support, as leaked tapes have shown. The time for that renewed bombing may be fast approaching, though it might be delayed for political reasons until after the presidential election.

In the popular mind, of course, Clinton is associated with the controversial events of September 2012 in Benghazi that resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. As the Secretary of State, she was no doubt aware of Stevens' work with the CIA organizing the transfer of the seized Gaddafi government weapons to Turkish ports. As the Italian historian Paolo Sensini writes in his eye-opening book, Sowing Chaos: Libya in the Wake of Humanitarian Intervention, "The arms were then transferred to the jihadi forces engaged in terrorist actions against the government of Syria under Bashar al-Assad." While bi-partisan outrage over the Americans' deaths was duly noted by the media and became a political football, the nature of Stevens' work under Clinton and Obama received no mainstream media coverage, and the illegal and immoral wars against two countries continued apace.

But the Stevens' issue pales in comparison to Clinton's larger role in waging war on a sovereign nation for propagandistic "humanitarian" reasons. As with Iraq (Hussein) and Syria (Assad), she was a central player in the lies told about Mu'ammar Gaddafi to justify a war of aggression. Each in his turn was declared to be the new Hitler. In Gaddafi's case, he was falsely accused of killing 10,000 people in Tripoli, having his soldiers use Viagra and rape as a matter of policy, and of being a bloody mad dictator intent on genocide. Rwanda and the Holocaust were elicited as warnings. President Obama justified the savage attack on Libya, fully supported by his Secretary of State Clinton, with the following lie: "We knew that if we wanted [sic] ... if we waited one more day, Benghazi, a city nearly the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world." And he announced he was sending Clinton to London to meet with the Libyan "opposition" -- aka terrorists.

The western media ran with these false accusations, as usual, as did Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya, prominent Arab media. Like Iraq, Syria, and Serbia, it was another war of aggression based on lies, and Clinton was a primary player.

She was fully aware of developments in Libya from the start; knew that the rebels were Islamic militants armed and trained by the US, Britain, France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and UAE; knew that they summarily executed anyone they considered their enemies; knew that this war of lies was aimed at preventing Gaddafi from fulfilling his goal of economic independence, not just for Libya, but for the entire continent of Africa by introducing the gold dinar into Africa as common currency; knew, in short, that Libya had to be raped, its Central Bank destroyed, for its exploitation by western globalists. Thus her boss, Obama, in August 2011 confiscated $30 billion from Libya's Central Bank that Gaddafi had planned to use for the establishment of the African IMF and African Central Bank. This is what Clinton termed "smart power at its best." Under the pretext of 'humanitarian intervention,' Clinton supported the killing of tens of thousands and the destruction of an independent country to serve her masters.

Paolo Sensini characterizes the Democratic presidential nominee (and next president) perfectly:

"Mrs. Clinton's joyous exclamation on hearing the news of Gaddafi's death sums up the recklessness and irresponsibility of an entire political class -- an unrepentant class that has wreaked havoc around the world on a truly unprecedented scale."

When she thought cameras and microphones were off and exclaimed, "We came, we saw, he died," she was speaking not just for herself but for the party and interests that she represents.

"I'm with her," says Michelle Obama." "I am proud to stand with her," says Bernie Sanders. I wonder where the dead children of Libya stand.

But this is Hillary Clinton's hour. Congratulations! Happy anniversary!

We await your next war.

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Edward Curtin is a widely published author. His new book is Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies - https://www.claritypress.com/product/seeking-truth-in-a-country-of-lies/ His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/

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