Civil rights struggles are an American Tradition. One began 150 years ago, October 16, 1859 when John Brown led a raid intended to free slaves at Harper's Ferry, VA. After that, the American Civil War became inevitable as both North and South prepared for that which was to come. Slaves became free.
Another historic Civil Rights event will take place in Pennsylvania, 2009, in the struggle for the Civil Right known as Health Care for All. On October 16, 2009, 150 years to the day after the raid at Harper's Ferry, members of Healthcare for All Pennsylvania, members of the Baucus 8, Progressive Democrats of America, and other organizations and activists will he packing their bags for a tour leading to the Capitol Rotunda of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. They will spend three days touring the Western and Central regions of Pennsylvania, holding events in towns and cities leading to a huge rally in Harrisburg on October 20.
When they arrive in Harrisburg on the morning of October 20, they will join the throngs of citizens from not only Pennsylvania, but busloads of health care advocates from border states to the North, South, and West - from Ohio, from Maryland, from New York, from Virginia and West Virginia - who will all join together to inform legislators everywhere by their presence the desire of the people to have Single Payer Health Care for All, for Medicare for All.
We have lived far too long in the shadow of economic slavery cast by insurance and drug corporations. It is time for the people of Pennsylvania America to break free, to have the access to health care that is a civil right guaranteed in the founding documents of our nation. It's time for the Civil Revolution in Health Care.
As in the struggle for the freedom of the slaves from horrific ultimate bondage, held in greed by their masters, so we all here today struggle for our economic freedom from greedy health insurance and drug corporations. John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry was armed and violent; ours will be a peaceful demonstration inside the Capitol Building in Harrisburg.
Pennsylvania is in position to begin the Single Payer revolution in America. Regardless of how it goes in Washington DC, there are states that can play a role similar to that of the province of Saskatchewan in Canada - starting the process, demonstrating the viability of health care for everyone, not just those rich enough to pay inflated insurance that winds up standing between patients and their doctors!
Come to Harrisburg October 20; join with those pioneers who stood up to the Judiciary Committee to get Single Payer back On The Table, with those who will make the Road to the Rally PDA tour October 17, 18, and 19, and stand with thousands of other citizens as history is made on October 20. You can be there.
The rally will begin at 10 AM on October 20, 2009, inside the Capitol Rotunda at 100 North Third Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and will conclude at noon. For more information go to and click on the "Click Here link ABOVE the banner on the homepage.
can also go directly to the Rally Poster at: And for directions on how to lobby a PA
representative or Senator after the rally go to: supports Single Payer Legislation known as The Family and Business Healthcare Security Act of 2009 in the Pennsylvania Legislature, SB 400 / HR 1660 which is now introduced and in committee in both houses. It can be read online at
See you in Harrisburg on October 20!
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