A number of second generation Muslim immigrants to Europe are leaving to fight with ISIS because 'assimilation' has left them feeling unwelcome in those countries. American second or third generation Ukrainian immigrants are fighting for a Neo-Nazi government in Kiev because their parents or grandparents, bringing with them a fervent devotion to an anti-Semitic and anti-Russian Nazi hero, were welcomed here and flourished.[tag]
Emblem of Ukrainian-Russian-Belarusian neo-nazi movement %C2%ABMisanthropic Division%C2%BB %28MD%29
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Not provided, Author: Not provided) Details Source DMCA
Victoria Nuland is only the most visible member of a Ukrainian diaspora that infiltrated the system of power. Notice that I do not say "the corridors of power' which refers mainly to the foot soldiers of each party, most of whom know little about anything beyond their shores. No, I mean that the actual system of power in the United States was infiltrated by members of Stepan Bandera's Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Party that fought alongside Hitler to exterminate Jews and Russians in Ukraine. These World War II 'refugees' were whitewashed by the FBI in order to serve as American spies against the post-war Soviet bloc. Some of them - or their descendants - are probably still on the ground, but the decisive fight to make Ukraine a member of the European Union is being waged in Washington.
As George Eliason has testified many times on this site, America's neo-conservatives as well as Republicans are heavily stacked with Neo-Nazi donors, activists and organizers, which is why it was so easy, as Victoria Nuland admitted, to prepare a decisive action in Ukraine that overthrew the legally elected pro-Russian President. News about the US/Russia crisis still invokes the March 2014 referendum in which the inhabitants of Crimea, which was given to Ukraine in 1954 by Khruschev without them being consulted, voted to return that land to Russia, righting through democracy a previous undemocratic action by a 'totalitarian' government that was an adversary of the US.
Has anyone considered setting up an American Donbass Brigade - maybe spearheaded by Iraqi Veterans Against the War, who are against 'unjust' wars - to fight alongside those in eastern Ukraine who reject the Neo-Nazi coup government in Kiev?