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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 11/14/16

How You Lost This Liberal Hillary

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Robert Rath
Message Robert Rath

Dear Hillary:

I could overlook many of your personal failures. After all, your lust for mammon is ubiquitous among your economic / political class. Romney's IRA, Trump's tax-loss carry forwards, and your shenanigans with the Clinton Foundation all demonstrate that the one percent play by a different set of rules. You have the wealth and power to intimidate the IRS, quite the opposite of us plebes.

Your personal corruption in your quest for political power is also taken as a given among us unwashed, takers, deplorables; or whatever other condescending description your class wishes to give us. Your groveling before AIPAC and Mr. Netanyahu and overpaid speeches to Goldman Sachs are par for the course in our thoroughly immoral and fraudulent political system. Virtually every US politician is on the take; accepting "campaign contributions" from Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, Big Agra, or myriad other special interests. When their political careers are over, they can cash in personally as highly compensated lobbyists. We citizens see this for the bribery that it is, and although we find it disgusting, we accept it as par for the course.

No Hillary, I did not hold your corruption against you. It is part of the system in which you and all US politicians operate. You still could have had my vote, particularly in opposition to an ignorant and sociopathic candidate in the person of Donald Trump.

Where you lost me Hillary was due to your consistent, flagrant, and frightening militarism; the use of military power apparently for its own sake, with no thought of the consequences, neither for those being attacked, nor for the US. As First Lady you badgered Bill to bomb Yugoslavia. As Senator you were a cheerleader for Bush's war crime against Iraq. As Secretary of State you fraudulently abused a UN Resolution to depose and kill Gaddafi in Libya. Your demented cackle of "we came, we saw, he died" was truly disturbing.

Although, while at this point you were unlikely to get my vote, the final straw was in the last debate, when you reiterated your intent to implement a "no- fly zone" over Syria. Scarcely one week after the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff testified before Congress that implementing this policy would take us to war against not only Syria, but Russia as well; you could not restrain your belligerent, militaristic instinct. Essentially you were willing to risk World War III and nuclear annihilation in support of the same Wahhabi radicals that attacked the US fifteen years ago. Hillary, you are insane.

Although I detest Donald Trump with every fiber of my being, and believe that his presidency will be a disaster in many ways, perhaps the world should breathe a sigh of relief that he, not you Hillary, will be the next President of the United States.

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Robert Rath has a BA in Political Science and an MBA in International Business. He has 35 years' experience in the investment industry as a financial planner, and for the past 20 years as an independent investment analyst for financial (more...)

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