This time is a time for chaos and reordering. It is a time pregnant with possibility. Looking to our new president can help some but the real solutions must come from we the people. Only we the people can make this a new world, a living thriving world community whose self-government is of, by and for the world's people. Only we the people can empower we the people. It is almost a self-evident statement. But the problem of empowering the average guy has never been solved. Why?
What do humans need to do now? We need to do some soul searching and to ask ourselves what do we have to give to contribute to a new level of awareness for earth's citizens. A spiritual commitment to excellence and honesty and generosity is needed.
Also we need individual nobility of economic choices. Currently we do not have much political power and we need to start with what power we do have, and that power is economic. And we need wise individuals choices of economic power used in conjunction with others for semi-autonomous small local economic subsystems. If small local subsystems existed in conjunction with larger systems then these smaller systems would have semi-autonomy and not come crashing down when things at the top start to slide. All we have to do is to look at nature for a model. The human body will work for an analogy.
The human body does not use abstract wealth like money. It uses tangible wealth like food and oxygen etc. But analogies apply nonetheless. In the body we have atoms molecules cells organs and finally the body itself as a careful bottom-up and only later a top-down organization of participating levels. At each level the systems are self-organized and semi-autonomous and also work together to form the whole body. Here we see things working at the micro and macro level at one and the same time. All cells are fed and there is no gangrene growing as a result of insufficient blood to all parts. The same can not be said of human society.
Yogananda says that "even atoms thrill to their little lives". Things seem to be ensouled at all levels of this living universe. For humans the need now is for a new kind of ensouling on a new level. The age of the planet-aware and planet-alive human has come. We all need to participate on a new level of organization. The phrase "think globally act locally" represents the new level of activity. We now need human individuals working together to form sub-systems. We need individuals working on the level of town or neighborhood for small semi-autonomous systems and levels of human involvement for the development of a new cultural planetary "ensouling". We need a careful well-organized vertical motion of economic and political power whereby people set themselves free from the current imploding system.
The old dying system is alive only as a top down thing. The new system will mimic Nature and be more alive as a bottom-up/top-down thing. The new system will be so alive that the current top-down thing of mad-power-dictating-to-helpless- victims-at-the-bottom, will not have sufficient strength to rule any more. Now we will see bottom-up/top-down living systems just as with all the rest of Nature, where every level is alive and ensouled. The ensouling of human-as-planetary-citizen is currently well underway and must now become an overt as well as a covert and private cultural phenomenon. We need to act as planetary cells working with other planetary cells for the good of our vital alive planetary system.
The time of the hippies saw a brash revolution of throw-the-baby-out-with-the- bathwater. It recommended head-for-the-hills-and-abandon-all-of-current-human- civilization. Revolutions always seem to start with a counter-cultural move that is too extreme. We now know that small local communities almost totally independent of the system are extremely hard to start and maintain. A more realistic compromise is now underway where people form autonomous farms and work at swapping produce locally. That way individual autonomy and collective slow vertical bottom-up-power are both respected levels of activity. Such groups can weather a system-collapse because they are semi-autonomous on many levels and semi-group-organized on many levels.
The age of my-way-or-the-highway and total individual autonomy and cut-throat-competitive-capitalism has resulted in far too many people hitting the highway and being homeless. As we humans and this world is an interactive living system the whole system hurts when this sort of thing happens. We need to include group power and involvement of some sort to complement individual power. We need to see that "communism" or group- involvement is not something that needs to live as a total black and white thing in total opposition to "capitalism" and individual power. To think that way is like asking the question "is a cell autonomous or interactive in the body?". The answer is "both".
A similar question would be "Am I an autonomous competitive individual or a member of a cooperative group?" Once again the answer is "both". We have a world where one half was ( under communism, communism in theory anyway ) much more dedicated to group involvement and one half ( the west ) much more dedicated to individual involvement, and so both halves of the world are in system-collapse. Communists were dedicated to wiping out capitalists and visa versa. Such madness!!!!!!!!
There is a thinker named Ken Wilber. He says that at some point in evolution any and every system splits. The two halves then develop opposite characteristics and then later in evolutionary time the two come together for a new joining on a higher level of involvement. We must be at such a time in the development of human culture. West and East were ideological mirror images of each other with communism and capitalism and now are in economic terms beginning to resemble each other. We may soon see this kind of mixing up of antithetical characteristics happen on a more personal level. As this happens we may see a move to world peace. As we move to wholeness within ourselves wholeness outside of ourselves will soon follow.
In my early twenties I read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. That lady opened my eyes. All the MENSA guys thought she was so cool. But I thought she was nuts. "Forced cooperation creates a stifling of the individual in communist countries" she wrote. "Healthy competition is the thing". But how about a system where voluntary cooperation is in effect ms. Rand and that wed to healthy competition?
I predicted decades ago that communist Russia would collapse. It would collapsed by virtue of its lopsided communism. By a very simple logic the other side of the coin was capitalistic America. And it too must then be due for an eventual collapse. Russia, as I suspected, did then collapse. I waited and waited for the collapse of the Capitalistic system. That took a bit longer.
You see we live in the age of patriarchal civilization. Competition is its hallmark. We do not live in tribal communistic matriarchy. That occurred prior to twelve thousand years ago. So the current dying system is by nature straightforwardly capitalistic and very strong, or was very strong, for that reason. Since a real communism is a voluntary system and is too idealistic to be practiced on any but a small level, and since Russian communism is a communism whereby a vertical force-oriented patriarchy is essentially forcing a phony horizontal cooperative communal thing to happen, and the thing is a lie unto itself, then it stands to reason that this thing will end a couple decades prior to the American side of the lopsided global scene. And that is what happened.
When the current system-collapse in the west began I had been waiting most of my life to see it. I knew that without the current purge that we humans and our planet were doomed. I feel almost as if I have been holding my breath for decades. Now that the whole thing is underway I am so relieved. This collapse is to me like a breath of fresh air. Because I knew it was coming I prepared for it. Nonetheless I am not that prepared and I could easily die of this purge. But that is not important. To do all I can to help humanity to get through this is the only thing that has much meaning to me.
I tried to tell my family this was coming. No one listened. I was thought of as a geek and a nut case. Now a few have lost a fair amount of money. I own a few acres of land in the country and am growing chickens and getting ready to put in raised bed gardens. I am as ready as I am able to be and getting more ready. This is fun. I hope that a return to a more healthy involvement with Mother Earth is something that happens for many of my fellow Americans. I have a feeling it has to happen.
A couple hundred years ago the Industrial Revolution ended our old relationship with Nature and for all that time we have had only a sick relationship with her. It is high time for a new relationship with our Mother, Mother Earth, and a new relationship with each other. We once had towns that were a mere accidental happening. We found ourselves living side by side with each other and Nature and we cooperated and helped each other survive and we competed and stood our ground and had our own turf as well. Now all this merely needs to be a more conscious thing whose architecture is well-planned. Each communal/cooperative and individual/competitive town-like cultural happening will be unique. And the blending of all these unique, consciously created planet-towns, will be each a contribution to the global scene. Eventually all this new cultural stuff will blend to create a global culture, so much more alive than the one we have now, we can only guess as to its eventual beauty and complexity. As cells of Earth we will bring her alive as a mineral/planet/animal/human planet. She will live as never before.
As a hologram has the whole written in every piece so too will we each be a planet-hologram, each a mini-planet in our consciousness. This level of complexity is a jump in evolution of a gargantuan magnitude. I call myself " A Citizen of Gaia's Neural Net".