The GIVE Act H.R. 1388, Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, is a bill now being reviewed in Congress. I do not know if it will pass and become law. I think it resembles the real estate debacle in so far as it needs a lot of inept compliance to get anywhere.
Instead of a sharp sword that took skill and time to create, the wording of this bill reminds me of a huge heavy blunt club with a few nails embedded in the tip. But therein is its very power. The words are purposefully indistinct and vague. A paid-off judge armed with a bunch of legalistic scribbles that can be interpreted the way he wants is empowered to do injustice.
Stepping back in time a bit, when I first saw Mr M's article about this bill I did not know what to think.
Red Alert! Today We Become a Police State!
"The 12th amendment to the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (GIVE), that was just rubber stamped by the Senate, states, “Amendment to prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing.
"This is being attached to a bill that will make military service mandatory and which will create a seven-million person domestic army under direct authority of the Federal government. And they're going to be trained into believing that trying to influence legislation, engaging in protests, signing a petition, boycotts, striking, or to assist, promote, union organizing, will be an act against our government and under those guidelines, under the still in place Patriot Act, be considered an enemy combatants and can be interned without charge indefinitely."
After I read these words by Mr. M I did not know what to think so I did some research.
It took awhile and some research to discover that this was indeed a real bill. I now have the entire bill on my desktop ( minus any sneaky rewording they have done to the bill as it goes on its way through the government .. they are pretty sneaky with that these days ).
The bill is a maze of words so as to confuse. I did a speed read to try and get the gist of it. And when I got the gist of I got a bit panicky.
This was my reaction (in the comment area of Mr. M's article):
The Great War has Begun ...
In the mythic words of the Lord of the Rings, it is fair to say "The Great War has Begun." The Orcs are on the march from Mordor. They will soon reach Osgiliath. No one knows who will win... Frodo and his friends or the evil Sauron. Oh my God!!!”
Since having said that I now feel a bit less dramatic about the whole thing. But I am none-the-less still alarmed and am glad that Mr. M and his article have enabled me to become a more informed citizen. I now realize what kinds of things our government is doing these days. I feel now that "Mordor's Orc Army" has not been created yet but that this bill and its intention is to create just that.
I am not calling humans "Orcs" but saying, rather, that when people are horribly mistreated, some of their actions can become pretty dangerous; understandably so.
Another commentor to the article, "Jersey Girl," said this:
disturbing amendments...
H.Amdt. 48 by Rep. Titus [D-NV]
Amendment to create a National Service Reserve Corps and requires an annual service requirement of at least 10 hours and/or annual training. A member of the National Service Reserve Corps is one who has completed a term of national service, fulfilled training, and will respond to national disasters and other emergencies. These individuals will be listed in a national database for the ease of immediate deployment in case of emergency.
Proposed: Mar 18, 2009. Accepted: Mar 18, 2009.
H.Amdt. 49 by Rep. Miller [D-CA]
The amendments prohibits organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing.
Proposed: Mar 18, 2009. Accepted: Mar 18, 2009.
Later on in the comment area Jersey Girl tells us how easy it would be to make this army happen:
There are NO jobs in this country for our people. Especially young ones coming out of school now. What do you think happens to so many young people when they can't find work? They join the MILITARY don't they?
So now, with these civilian brigades they are talking about, most of America's youth will be joining.. following me yet? They are intending to hook everyone in this "volunteerism" brigade to an electronic base to keep track of their whereabouts at all times. Which by the time they are through recuiting will be EVERYONE. Since they mention even seniors in their plan, I'm sure Obama's Social Security and Medicare cuts will force this group into the "corporation's" brigade as well.. And the word "corporation" is fascist enough is it not?
Now go back and read the second amendment I posted in my previous comment. If you do a little critical thinking it's certainly not a big leap at all to come to the conclusion that it means the final end to any freedom of speech in this country. With nearly every citizen being part of this process due to lack of jobs and income the implications are chilling to say the least. The free speech cages, tasers and sprays that they use on us at protests and on the streets and airports are bad enough but in this amendment that has been "approved" they are saying we aren't even allowed to speak out against the government without punishment by law.
Wake up. This is how Nazi Germany started with their youth brigades and E Germany with their Stasi. Those people thought they were a great idea too. After all who doesn't want to serve their country? But how can a free country ask it's citizens to spy on each other in the name of freedom? How can a free country ask it's citizens to give up their civil liberties while serving their country in a civilian capacity as this amendment seems to do?
Is this the America you want? Isn't this the America you saw under George W Bush and rejected?"
I think Jersey Girl made some very pertinent observations in those comments. Let me tell you more about this bill and what I see as its intent to create what I am calling an "ORC ARMY" Here are some words of the bill itself and who the government wants to ensnare and its purposely confusing language.
Section 122 is amended to read as follows:
(a) Required National Service Corps- The recipient of a grant under section 121(a) and each Federal agency operating or supporting a national service program under section 121(b) shall, directly or through grants or subgrants to other entities, carry out or support the following national service corps, as full- or part-time corps, including during the summer months, to address unmet educational, health, veteran, or environmental needs.
You are specified as a recipient of a grant that obliges you to service but the grant it seems (the wording here is very confusing ) can be given to someone who is associated with you and not you. And it does not specify whether or not you applied for or wanted this "grant."
(3) APPROVED SUMMER OF SERVICE POSITION- The term ‘approved summer of service position’ means a position in a program described under section 120(c)(8) for which the Corporation has approved the provision of a summer of service educational award as one of the benefits to be provided for successful service in the position.
AWARD? God save me from such "awards." Here is more about these "awards":
(e) Application for Grant-
(1) SUBMISSION- To receive a grant or enter into a contract under this part, an applicant shall prepare, submit to the Corporation, and obtain approval of, an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information and assurances as the Corporation may reasonably require. In requesting applications for assistance under this part, the Corporation shall specify such required information and assurances.
This last paragraph has an "applicant" applying for a grant. The nature of the applicant may be spelled out in the wording at the end of the paragraph were the word "corporation" is used.
Here are more of the people this "ORC ARMY" is supposed to include as mentioned in the bill:
(4) BABY BOOM GENERATION- The term ‘Baby Boom generation’ means the generation that consists of individuals born during the period beginning with 1946 and ending with 1964.
And others mentioned are...
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