Well, here's a link to info about a meeting where a lot of health insurance leaders will be attending.
This would be an interesting place for protest and more to occur. I can envision signage about murderers and Real Death Panels.
The battle is intensifying. These people are the enemy.
Are CEOs and employees who take a role in denying health care coverage murderers? I guess you can look at this from different perspectives. There are state and federal laws. Do they shoot or kill or poison? No. But at some level, these people-- the administrators who set policy and the lower level workers who dole out the bad news are literally making decisions, based on profits, that kill people.
Activists are beginning to protest at corporate headquarters. Conferences like the one linked to above seem to also be good targets to get a message out.
If a person works for one of these insurers, they are complicit, helping enable these companies to not only withold healthcare from paying insureds. They are helping the insurers to fight changes in law that would help the un-insured.
There are many ways to kill.
- "Now all the criminals in their suits and ties are free to drink martinis and watch the sunrise"
- --Bob Dylan