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If you Like NAFTA, You'll Love TPP

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Message Rudy Avizius
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We, the transnational corporations and the ruling elites are on the verge of a wonderful new dawn that will bring us immense power and untold wealth.

We have been secretly negotiating a new agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) with the United States Australia, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam and are nearing completing the final details of this agreement. We have had 600 of our best corporate lobbyists providing input and have successfully excluded Congress, our own corporate media, and the general public from the negotiations. Once implemented, this agreement will hard code corporate dominance over sovereign governments into international law that will supercede any federal, state, or local laws of any member country. This agreement will grant new corporate privileges and rights, while limiting governments and protective regulations. This agreement will far exceed anything we have been able to achieve with NAFTA, CAFTA, or any other free trade agreement.

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The details contained in this agreement will result in total corporate global governance . In this new system the role of elected  governments will be to serve as subservient agents for our interests. The institutions under governments such as the armies, police, and courts will also serve our interests, while being financed by the taxpayers of that country. The status of the member states will be locked-in,  similar to countries once they are inside the Eurozone.

In the past, we had to deal with environmental regulations, financial regulations, worker safety regulations and other issues have always brought down the profits that we worked so hard to earn and are rightfully ours. Once this agreement passes, these regulations will actually have the potential of increasing our wealth. Some of the provisions in this agreement include the establishment of corporate controlled tribunals to be administered by 3 attorneys with no conflict of interest limitations. These 3 attorney tribunals, which will be controlled by us, will have the power to order sovereign governments to use taxpayer money to pay us and our agents for any environmental or regulatory costs that our transnational corporations expended to meet local standards. We can literally expect to have long term taxpayer revenue streams that will flow into our coffers. At the very least, many existing laws would need to be rewritten and no new regulatory laws could be passed.

With this wonderful new agreement, governments that tried to pass regulations such as limits on the financial industry using risky bets such as derivatives would have the burden of proof to defend such regulations in a tribunal system controlled by us, and staffed by our lawyers and judges. The judges in these tribunals could order the government to use  taxpayers' money to pay damages should one of our transnational corporations prevail in one of these "private courts". In the past, we have received over $350 million of taxpayer money under the NAFTA style deals, because of zoning laws, toxic bans, timber rules and other regulations. It is our expectation that this figure will be dwarfed by future payments. This TPP agreement is like NAFTA on steroids. These tribunals setup by this TPP agreement will have binding corporate guarantees with both trade and cash sanctions. These cash sanctions would also effectively transfer taxpayer money to transnational corporate coffers.  Can you imagine how much money we will have flowing into our pockets as we challenge regulations within our own private court system forcing governments to pay for our lost profits or to eliminate them? This agreement will essentially strip governments of their sovereignty and make them answerable to our tribunals.

The result of these corporate tribunals will be to setup a race to the bottom, where if one country chooses not to regulate something, then the corporations would be able to sue the other nations inside of the TPP to have taxpayers cover their losses for any such regulations. These other countries would be vulnerable to corporate led lawsuits to be decided in the corporate tribunals.  In order to protect our interests , we could potentially have the ability to utilize the publicly funded militaries of some states to wage war on other "less compliant" states.

So how could such an extreme agreement that literally gives corporations and us ruling elites everything we could possibly want have been negotiated with little or no resistance? The answer is that the ONLY way this agreement could ever pass is if everything is done in secret, continues to remain secret,  and the details never see the light of day .

In that regard, we must do everything in our power to be sure that the general public does not become aware of this agreement or the details before we are ready for a vote. Since our main stream media will represent our interests, we do not need to concern ourselves much about them. However, unfortunately some of the independent media, over which we have little control at this time, is starting to make waves on this issue. Lori Wallach, the director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch recently said:

"These agreements are a little bit like Dracula. You drag them in the sunshine, and they do not fare well. But all of us, and also across all of the countries involved, there are citizen movements that are basically saying that this is not in our name. We don't need global enforceable corporate rights. We need more democracy. We need more accountability."

Can you believe the audacity of that statement? It is as if she believes that people should have say in such matters. It is as if she believes that limits should be placed on our profits that we worked so hard for.

We have heard that demonstrations are being planned for our next TPP negotiating session that will be held September 6-15 in Leesburg, VA. Information about these negotiations is being circulated on the Internet and we need to do everything we can to stop them or at least limit their attendance and coverage by the independent media. The police need to be informed that they have our permission to employ aggressive tactics against any demonstrators and will not suffer any consequences for unlawful behavior. If necessary, we can plant provocateurs into the crowds to insure a robust police response and to provide fodder for our corporate media.

In the future, once this agreement has been ratified, Internet censorship regulations will be passed that are much stronger than the previous ones we tried to pass, such as ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA. This will lock down the Internet so we can use it for our purposes, as has been successfully done in other countries. Once this has been accomplished, the public masses will have no alternatives except for our controlled media.  This is why it is so important to make sure that this agreement does not see the light of day.

Once the negotiations have been finalized, the control we have over the elected officials will ensure that this bill passes. We will use every weapon in our vast arsenal to make sure that we get the votes we need. Some elected officials will respond to campaign contributions. Others may need to be threatened. Thanks to the enlightened Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling allowing unlimited anonymous money to flow into negative ads, we will use these new tools to prevail against anyone who opposes us on the TPP in the next election. We are fortunate that the opinions of the gullible masses are so easily and effectively swayed by watching these negative ads put on by us. To further ensure that the agreement is not changed, we must make sure that the TTP is given fast track status. That way no rogue legislator can make amendments or changes, or try to filibuster the agreement. It will be a simple up and down roll call vote.

We are also fortunate in that regardless of the election results in November, it will make no difference who wins. The agreement will be signed by whoever is president. This agreement was negotiated under Obama, so he will certainly sign it. Romney has also stated that he wants this agreement finalized as quickly as possible so he can sign it as well. Only if a 3rd party candidate wins will this be a problem. Our media will work hard to make sure that does not happen.

Polls show that most Americans from both major political parties believe that money exerts far too much influence on public officials. They believe that this effectively makes these elected officials the "hired servants" of the wealthy elites. This sort of popular belief works against our interests. Unfortunately, both the Tea Party and the Occupy Movement also believe that there is too much influence of money on our legislators. While government representatives are essentially our puppets, we will need to be sure that we keep the electorate divided. We still need to continue to work on both the left and the right and create wedge issues that will keep them focused on each other, not on what we are trying to here. We need each of them to question the patriotism of the other side. We need each of them to make derogatory remarks about each other, even if we need to hire someone to do this important work. This has worked well in the past and there is no reason to expect it will not work again.

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Rudy Avizius is a former educator and school administrator and a founding member of the Public Banking Institute. He is concerned that the current economic, social, and environmental course we are on is not sustainable, and the time for real (more...)

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