If you think the 5-4 partisan hack decision denying the City of Chicago the right to ban handguns is about guns, you're wrong. (It's the same 5-4 GOP block -- with some face changes -- that put Bush in the White House and bestowed Corporate Personhood in the Citizens United Case, in short a radical right activist majority of judges.)
It's about white males in America feeling threatened by becoming a minority and the gun is their last psychological reassurance of entitlement power against an encroaching demographic change in our democracy. After all, the City of Chicago allows citizens to own rifles, so there never was a ban on guns in Chicago; there was a ban on a certain type of gun, which didn't even exist at the time the Constitution was written.
But it is the handgun that makes so many white males feel impregnable, as if they were riding around with a turret gun in a Hummer.
It's a vestige of the Confederacy; "I'm a white man and that allows me to do whatever I want and get away with it, so don't mess with me."
It's not about the Constitution; it's about a hormonal psychology under siege.
Meanwhile, the presence of handguns in America causes more deaths than our wars -- and few politicians or corporate media will do anything but giving passing note to the carnage.
Why? Because the white male is still too big of a voter block to psychologically "mess with." Even Harry Reid, the Democratic Majority Leader in the Senate, sent out a news release applauding the Supreme Court for overturning the ban on handguns in Chicago and "upholding the 2nd Amendment."
As America becomes more diverse in race and religion, the white male psyche becomes more frantic in need of "firearms reassurance."
And the death toll mounts as a result.
BuzzFlash doesn't think Jesus would walk around shoulder holstered and locked and loaded. The Supreme Court has just changed one of our nation's mottos from "In God We Trust" to "In Guns We Trust."