Now, Reid claims to have the magic sixty votes to pass health care legislation. That's been done by totally rejecting the Democratic base, with the permission of Obama key advisors and probably, almost certainly, Obama himself. It's been done by including anti-abortion legislation that betrays women like no other legislation in decades. It betrays us all by allowing interstate sales of Insurance, thus removing state protections, so insurers can re-establish their headquarters in states with the least and worst regulations-- probably states like Montana and Nebraska, where Baucus and Nelson come from.
Reid, Announcing the WONDERFUL NEWS.
The bill pays blackmail to states where their DINO senators balked at working with the rest of the democrats. It is going to go down in history as some of the worst legislation, cast in desperation because of a failure of courage and character by congressional leaders-- particularly Reid and Pelosi.
This is a massive sellout and the democratic party, if Democrats pass this, deserves to be voted into oblivion-- as well as the Republican party. I want to be clear I am calling for non-partisan oblivion for both parties, which really function as one.
It is time for people to get out into the streets, into the offices of their members of congress-- house and senate. It is time to reject all the shills and sellouts and betrayers of constituents. Joe Lieberman is in some ways the most honest of them all-- he's a transparent shill, unlike Reid and Pelosi, who pretend they are doing good for the American people while they are doing a marketing job, trying to sell us not only damaged but toxic, dangerous goods as good for us. Put a pretty bow on this package, say we're doing two good things and then throw in 2000 pages of damage and destruction. The hell with that.
It will be interesting to see how many professed liberals allow this garbage train of corporate welfare to pull out of Washington, doing damage to America.
Harry Reid and many of his compadres in crime will surely leave the senate soon and take cushy jobs with the corporate swine that are taking the US down.
It is time to rise up, time to take down, time to demand, time to reject, time to shout out our disgust and our refusal to accept what these traitors are doing to us, to our families to our jobs, to mainstreet, to the American people. They are nothing less than criminals.
The right thing to do is to throw out this bill and to create two bills. I've written another short article about that.
Reject Reid's Gift to Insurers; The Two Bill Solution to Health Care