Listening to Joe Scarborough, Pat Buchanan and Mika Breszinski chatter about this, Biden made a horrible gaffe. They say he was feeding his ego, discussing how he'll be needed.
I read it differently. Now, Biden could have said it a bit better. But bottom line, with a new president, whether it's Obama or McCain, some leader is going to challenge the US.
Either candidate will need help, including John "bomb bomb" McCain, at the least, to restrain him from instantly attacking or going nuclear. McCain will have Sarah Palin. Obama will have Biden.
Seems like a no-brainer to me. We've seen enough debates to see who can think calmly on his or her feet and who depends on rote talking points. They don't do the job when you face real challenges.
Biden has started the seed of an idea that needs to grow. There will be an international incident. Either candidate will have to face it. Which one has built a better team of advisors? Which one has demonstrated the ability to maintain calm equanimity while under stress?
The answer is clear. When you bring home a beautiful new plant, you want to transplant it into a bigger container. You add fertilizer. Joe Biden found a beautiful plant. He's provided, as he has always been apt to do, the fertilizer, and it is up to the Obama campaign to spin the story effectively, with the potential it has to enhance the Obama campaign.