Is Web of Debt being censored?
Yesterday I went to to purchase a copy of Ellen Brown's book, Web of Debt. I already own a copy but wanted to send one to a friend. Lo and behold, when I got there, I found this message:
Item Under Review
While this item is available from other marketplace sellers on this page, it is not currently offered by because customers have told us there may be something wrong with our inventory of the item, the way we are shipping it, or the way it's described here. (Thanks for the tip!)
We're working to fix the problem as quickly as possible.
Web of Debt ( has been selling through Amazon for at least two years now (I know because that's when I bought my first copy!) so why suddenly is there something wrong and its come under review?
Web of Debt is a powerful expose of the world's financial systems and you might have noticed that the world's financial systems are coming under tremendous scrutiny right now. Could it be that Ellen's book is being censored because it exposes a truth that the world's financial system would rather not have divulged? Are they putting pressure on to block its sale? The book is only available through online purchase at so when they put it "under review"--it has a tremendous censoring impact for us all.
I don't know the answer to these questions. But I do know that more and more people are becoming aware of how flawed the financial systems are. Web of Debt does a fantastic job of educating people on how these systems were designed and how the flaws could be corrected. With this knowledge, many different groups are discussing how the financial system could be changed. From Ron Paul's call for auditing the Federal Reserve to the rise of discussions about public banking/State banks and even countries like Latvia, Iceland and Greece rejecting the IMFs control over them, obviously a large number of people have become educated and are emerging as a force for change.
That's why I have to ask, "Is Web of Debt being censored" as a way to stifle this potential change? I don't know but I would ask you to write and ask them what's going on.
Here's the link:
Another option--post a review/comment on the Web of Debt Amazon page at:
And then pass this on to other folks you know to also write and ask that resume sales of a very important book that should not be censored!