Most of us who have followed world economics knew that it was not "bad debt" that harmed us but the morals and ethics that allowed the debt to be incurred by individuals and governments without any controls in place to insure that the asset and the debtor were capable of payment of the debt. But one good thing has come from all of the face cards being exposed, the absolute moral, ethical and financial corruption of this nation's court systems.
As many of you know, for years I have been screaming that the courts have been using people, especially children as a commodity for financial gain. The absolute proof of this was exposed by the FBI in Luzerne County Pennsylvania where two Judges, Judge Mark Ciavarella and Judge Michael Conahan pleaded guilty to intentionally placing children in prison in order to receive "kickbacks" in the millions of dollars from the company running the facilities. Over the years that this happened it is estimated that over 5000 children and their families could be involved. 5000 thousand families DESTROYED! But the evil goes much deeper.
As part of the "law", Luzerne County charged the parents under the child support laws, "child support" to keep their child in prison. Let's review; your child is wrongfully placed in prison, the parents are "levied" for that support, OVER AND ABOVE THE TAXPAYER DOLLARS, and then it gets even worse. (By the way, when did the families have to support prisoners over and above the tax dollars we pay that should have been allocated to support the prison? I know they do that in Mexico but I did not know we had become a third world nation.)
One set of parents, the Mott's, could not keep up with the payments (sound like what all the "deadbeat" dads say?) and because he could not keep up with the payments, he was thrown in jail and lost his job in this economy. (This was exposed by Jeanette Krebs at )
Because he was sent to jail under child support laws, the fed's had to pay the state $150.00 taxpayer dollars per day he was there. He got no credit towards his child support bill for this unlawful incarceration and you as a tax payer paid for it. (Stop worrying about AIG contracts that were in place before the bailout as you know full well that if that was YOUR contract you would fight for every penny and worry about how your tax dollars are used for BS like this!) If you want to be outraged at your tax dollars going to bonuses, scream and yell about how your tax dollars are being used to DESTORY families!
This is the first of many counties that are about to fall under the ax of real justice as the powers that be have finally realized, thanks to me and other reporters, that the corruption and BS passed as "law" is being utilized to steal taxpayer dollars just as surely as the corruption and BS stole this countries financial health.There is no better time in our nation's history than now to take our collective brooms and sweep clean the corruption and nonsense that has been shoved down or throats as right and wrong.
From Washington to your local community we ALL need to be involved in every aspect of our government, not just the money trail. It is time to hold our elected officials' feet to the fire each and every day and see through the entire BS for power grabs, wasteful spending, lies and outright disrespect of you as a citizen and taxpayer of this great nation. The cost of sitting on your butt and doing nothing, The Really Great Unending Depression!