Well, now that we are moving away from the intense energies of the three eclipses, we can look back over the past few months and see what we need to let go of if we want to have new life. The eclipses, which created the possibility of showing us what we need to let go of to prosper, also brought out intense emotions in people.
Unfortunately, intense emotions of fear, uncertainty, and confusion can easily be manipulated into hysteria, and we have seen the results of that manipulation in the past few weeks in the crazy outbursts of some Americans regarding health care reform. Under the shadow of the upcoming third Uranus/Saturn opposition (September 15, 2009), the forces of the Old (Saturn) patriarchal thinking are using regular people's fears of change to try to stop the New (Uranus) vision of community caring and world unity from being born. America's health care debate (which really isn't a debate when corporate lobbyists control much of it) is only the first of many such debates that we'll have to have about changing the corporate culture we now live in.
When people, who could probably use help with their health care, are manipulated into thinking that universal health care is akin to socialism, we are in trouble. We could say they're just stupid for believing it, but that doesn't solve the problem. People who are easily swayed by catch-words like "death panels' and "socialism' and "patriotism' have no real sense of themselves. They look to other authorities to tell them what to think, so they can understand their feelings and then act on them. When we don't have a true sense of ourselves, when we look outside of ourselves for answers, we are giving up our freedom of choice. That's what patriarchy wants: people who do without questioning why.
The task of Leo, the sign of the whole human being, demands that we learn to think and feel for ourselves, and take responsibility for our actions. Leo accents our uniqueness, our creativity, our sense of play and fun and our sense that we each have something unique to contribute to Life. When people are manipulated by politicians and corporations, they lose that sense of individuality and become a mob. They are filled with a false sense of importance, they are overwhelmed by their passions and they stay ignorant of the truth of the situation.
I always tease my clients with strong Leo energy, telling them that they are the King or the Queen. Their laughter tells me they like the idea. But then I go on to say that being the Queen isn't all party dresses or fancy balls, but entails the real work of being a grown-up responsible human being. When we really look at the function of a true king or queen, it is to mediate between Heaven and Earth, the collective and the individual: they stand for the people before the gods and they represent the power of those gods to their people. President Obama, being a Leo, seems to understand this. Even though I don't agree with all of his policy decisions, I can see that he feels the responsibility of his position.
When the Sun and the Moon join together in royal Leo, the call to Individuation gets strong. Individuation is the process of discovering who we really are and then living it. And there's always more to discover, more to create out of ourselves. Leo calls us to discover what unique destiny we came into life to fulfill and gives us the confidence to do it. In a true democracy, we are all kings and queens, and yes, we each have a piece of the collective puzzle to solve.
Leo's energy is fun and playful, willing to take risks, willing to be seduced into romance and love. Our most creative projects often come out of Leo's large-hearted joy and generosity of Spirit.
While last month's solar eclipse in Cancer energized us to really look at self-nurturing and self-love, Leo's new Moon can energize us to begin playing with the possibilities that come out of a new sense of self-worth. Venus is now in Cancer, and will be at the degree of the solar eclipse on August 26th, helping us to clarify just what those needs really are. And to know that we really deserve to have those needs met. So ask yourself: What do I need to grow, to evolve, to create?
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