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James Jaeger
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Why there is Never Enough Money in the Economy 


Those of us that have been studying the U.S. and world banking system for decades have been expecting this play. It's the only play one can do in a ponzi scheme: broaden the pool of victims. It's also the only way a chain-letter can be kept alive.

Unfortunately, what the Russian bankers are proposing is just a broader fiat currency ponzi. Did you hear any mention of the word "gold" or a "return to a gold standard" in this article? Of course not. A gold standard imposes limits on monetary expansion, something no government wants, and what this Russian "plan" wants to avoid.

If a world fiat currency were established -- a so-called supra-reserve currency -- all it would do is allow the world's financial systems to do what they are already doing, but with more devastating results.

There are basically three major problems with the current monetary system and the globalization it provokes. 1) lack of redundancy, 2) violation of the first law of thermo dynamics and 2) endless debt. The second issue is addressed elsewhere. See http://www.mecfilms.com/universe


The mainstream media is still out there hounding away at AIG bonuses and Bernie Madoff, both relatively insignificant issues. The real problem is: no one has any money (except the Fed-member banks and Big Oil companies). The phrase, "the banks aren't providing credit" is heard often. But has the media asked the question as to why no one has any money or why the banks won't extend credit? Wouldn't those be more sensible questions rather than drilling into the question of who put the February clause in the TARP money agreement that permitted the $160 million in bonuses to AIG executives?

The AIG bonus issue is paraded endlessly in the media so citizens won't ask real questions. Remember, as discussed in FIAT EMPIRE, the mainstream media's job is to 1) obfuscate the issue about fiat money and 2) facilitate the unconstitutional partnership between the Congress and the Fed. The media is beholden to the Congress for its broadcast licenses and most of its advertising revenues come from the big corporations that rely on fiat money from the Federal Reserve Banks. It's a tidy little conspiracy.

Thus the mainstream mass media will continue to throw at the public any and all issues it can to obfuscate. For less sophisticated members of society, the media will continually churn up subjects like the Octomom and missing person reports. For the more sophisticated it will exploit controversies like AIG bonuses and whether Senator Dodd or Treasury is to blame for the bonus clause.

The media's job is thus to protect the Fed, the President and the Congress but make it appear like it's "looking after the folks." And the Congress's job is to make it appear like it's protecting the People and "going after" the profligate executives on Wall Street. The very word "Wall Street" is an obfuscation to protect the banks, for the Fed-member banks are at the heart of the economic problem: not the general corporations listed on the DOW or in the Fortune 500.


The reason no one talks about the Fed, except in the most reverent or hopeful terms, is because the Fed is "The Well of Eternal Money". It's the place from which all paper money emanates. It's the bank of issue-authority, the bank with an infinite balance sheet. It's the God of the U.S., hence World, Financial System. All money, for all hope and all mere mortals, whether People or corporations, ultimately comes from THE WELL. Also the place where TARP and STIMULUS money come, the Well is the place where WAR chests and all manner of SOCIAL programs come from.


So when the talking heads (in the media/gov/bank complex) say we are borrowing money for the TARP and STIMULUS, the salient, unasked questions are: Where is that money coming from? WHO are we borrowing it from if no one has any money or can get any credit? Since U.S. citizens are tapped out and since places like China and Japan aren't doing much better, WHO is able to lend money to the gov so it can provide bailout money and stimulus money to the tune of over a trillion dollars?


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James Jaeger is an award-winning filmmaker with over 25 years experience producing, writing and directing feature motion pictures and documentaries. For complete bio see http://www.mecfilms.com/jrjbio.htm Jaeger's first documentary, "FIAT (more...)

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