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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 6/11/16

Mitt Romney will be our next President. Really.

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Mitt Romney - Caricature
Mitt Romney - Caricature
(Image by DonkeyHotey)
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Mitt Romney (or some other Republican) could be our next President if he (or that other Republican) runs as a 3rd-party candidate.
Here is how that would work:
If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote.
The Senate would elect the Vice President from the two Vice-Presidential candidates with the most electoral votes. Each state would cast one vote for Vice President.
So, there it is. Mitt Romney runs as a 3rd-party candidate. He pulls enough votes from Donald Trump and from Hillary Clinton so that no one receives 270 electoral votes.
The whole thing goes to the House, which eagerly supports Romney, and ka-boom, Romney is President.
And once again, as with Bush v. Gore, the rich wing thwarts the will of the people.
But fret not. There will be no riots in the streets. After years allowing the rich to lead them by the nose, the populace has become passive, empty, and amenable to being screwed.
We had Bush, the President who received the 2nd-most votes. Now we could have:
"President Romney, the man who received the 3rd-most votes."
It has a certain historical charm, doesn't it?
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Economist since 1995. Wrote the book, FREE MONEY. Economics blog is at http://www.rodgermmitchell.wordpress.com. Also maintain a site at www.rodgermitchell.com

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