The hard solution to our economic solution is to nationalize the oil companies. Energy production, extraction, etc. must be completely overhauled to change the mission statement. Which obviously should be simply that the goal is to provide all people with sustainable and affordable power. All profits for the public good and green energy research and development. Current stock holders must sacrifice for the future generations and relinquish their investment or be paid a reasonable fee in this time of ultimate crisis. CEO's replaced with public servants with open records monitored closely. National work forces in this model devoted to large scale but potentially human/home scale energy projects for the benefit of the earth and children.
We as a people must begin to reject a notion of happiness through things, and return to a connection and happiness through relationship and personal creativity. No man on his death bed has ever regretted stuff they never had, they only regret the people and relationships they failed. We must reject the petty and focus on the root. We must learn to give back to the Earth more than we take and make the creation of beauty and balance the center piece of human heartedness education. We must begin to offer our children a vision of the future where good food and good friends come first and technology comes second.
Community programs in entertainment, art, agriculture and small human scale cottage industry production must replace the inefficient transportation nightmare soon to be realized with the death of the fossil fuel era. Sharing of resources and things must become the norm. We cannot expect the profit motivated system to solve anything, for a system bent and surviving on the exploitation of people and resources can never have a heart. The immortal corporation bent on profit and growth defies laws of nature and therefore it is time to take it down. It's been a good ride for comfort, but a disastrous one for the human and natural soul of this planet.
We must realize that a cancer cell lives and kills in the same manor that we live and kill. No concern for what the host (body/earth) needs, in fact no desire at communication whatsoever. Only a misguided and selfish belief that unbridled growth is somehow our health. We take and grow but have forgotten how to give and achieve a balance of harmony. Until these things are changed in the fundamental goals of humanity we will be destined to follow a future that unfortunately is destined for a major lesson learning. For the universe has one law that is hard to avoid--if you don't change, the lesson will probably come in the form of an ass whoopin'. So be it. We will deserve whatever we having coming to us, and it will be fair. Prepare to deal with it.