(Article changed on November 23, 2013 at 02:13)
(Article changed on November 23, 2013 at 02:05)
The above assassins were positioned in the shelter to the back and right of Abraham Zapruder. The gunman on the left took the infamous Kennedy kill shot. The gunman on the right fired into Governor Connally's back.
For the past decade or so you may have noticed that most major television documentaries, and books heavily promoted on television have basically endorsed the Warren Commission conclusion of the lone gunman, despite dozens of witnesses reporting either hearing shots or seeing smoke from presumable gunfire near the grassy knoll. Many of these documentaries and books explain away the people's continued rejection of the single gunman theory as being some kind of mass denial by psychologically frail denizens of our country.
More recently, major media treat the single gunman theory as single gunman fact, as evidenced by reports on CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. Today, rarely do we see other viewpoints being represented fairly-they've turned people who disagree with them into conspiracy theory nuts. If you disagree with their narrative, then you are opposing objective scientific fact.
I am certainly not a conspiracy theorist, but I see something else going on here. It's a matter of questioning major institutions in the forms of government and corporations. If you question the JFK assassination official story line, you're a nut. If you questioned the Iraq war, you're a nut. If you question government surveillance of innocent citizens, you're a nut. If you question skyscrapers pancaking down into smoldering piles of rubble, you're a nut. That's what this is about: unquestionable authority.
Obviously, JFK was not the victim of just a lone crazed gunman. There is a multitude of all kinds of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence, as well as substantial physical evidence, to reasonably prove otherwise, yet no one up until relatively recently could find undeniable photographic evidence of multiple gunmen in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.
Enter Leroy (Lee) Blevins. Lee is a no-nonsense, straight talking researcher from Kentucky. Lee has many JFK assassination videos on YouTube, and after watching his videos all week for hours a day, I am convinced Lee has a thoroughgoing understanding of every piece of known photographic evidence taken in Dealey Plaza the day JFK was murdered. Lee knows the films frame by frame, and recites what happened in what frame by wrote memory.
In one of Lee's videos he meticulously goes through the Zapruder film pointing out where and when the shots hit, how they ricocheted, where they came from, and how and why the people reacted the way they did. Lee finds ten of the thirteen shots in the Zapruder film alone. According to Lee, and I trust his judgment on this, there were four gunmen and thirteen shots. Six of the shots hit either Kennedy or Connally, and the remaining seven shots were designed "distraction" shots used to mislead the police and to panic bystanders.
In another video, Lee goes down to the minutest detail and demonstrates how the ghost image sequence of the gunman on the roof of the County Records Building seemingly miraculously appears in the Zapruder film by the reflection of the gunman's image against Zapruder's inner lens frame into the lens itself!
As Lee often points out, the images tell the story. Lee is all about evidence. He uses small bits of evidence that are indiscernible to most people and combines them together in an impressive evidentiary chain.
In 2005, Lee was examining the Orville Nix Film (taken on the opposite side of Elm Street from Mr. Zapruder and the grassy knoll) and could find no evidence of shots from the picket fence. However, he did find a gun smoke trail from the shelter behind Mr. Zapruder. If you watch the Nix film at full speed, you probably will not see the smoke trail, but if you watch it at say 25% speed, and look carefully at the very top of the image, you can briefly see a smoke trail appear coming from the side of the shelter.
Intrigued by the smoke trail, Lee cropped and magnified the following image from the Nix film:
Above is the smoking gun evidence that everyone else missed but that Lee found. This is an image of the "left-handed" gunman firing around the shelter corner. It has been there all the time, but people have been focusing on the wrong location (i.e., the picket fence).(Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher).