The documentary now airing on PBS - How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin tells the real story of Russa's old-regime collapse:
"This is the unknown story of how the Beatles inspired a revolution that helped to destroy the communist system. Leslie Woodhead first met the Beatles in 1962 when he worked on a film in the Liverpool Cavern Club before the world had heard of the Fab Four. Twenty-five years later, when Woodhead began to make films in the Soviet Union, he became aware of how the Beatles legend had soaked into the lives of a generation of Soviet kids - even though they were barred from playing "Back in the USSR." Now he has been on a journey to meet the Soviet Beatles generation and to discover how the Fab Four changed their lives. Featuring a bizarre collection of Beatles tribute bands, the film tracks down the stories of how the Cold War was won with music as much as with nuclear missiles."
And to think Ronald Reagan got all the credit for bringing down the wall and the USSR. What a crock. The documentary illustrates how the Beatles music, and message of peace and love, had infiltrated and slain the old stodgy, communist-era, generation and culture. Score one for the hippies! And that very reality will surely drive the uptight conservative Fox News sluggards crazy, as they prefer to blame nearly everything on the hippie generation.
Of course, the conservative's line is that Reagan, by wasting all that money on armaments, at a time when the CIA knew the regime had no power, was on its last legs, and Gorbachev was clearly no old-generation Brezhnev, was somehow the real cause of the USSR breakdown.
Yeah, right. Reagan surely deserves credit for his "Bring Down The Wall" speech and effort, but to suggest he had anything to do with changing a culture, a nation, and disarming a generation is absurd.
Another way to look at the Reagan regime's actions and reactions is to understand they knew exactly what was going on and also knew if they didn't soon spend billions on a defense industry weaponry bailouts they would not soon have another chance to clamor about the danger of the Russian regime.
So, as Eisenhower warned, you have to watch these guys in the military industrial/CIA complex, they will manufacture any excuse to start and prolong war and its preparations - thus necessitating immense amounts of taxpayer funds for useless weapons. And they hate peace breaking out!
So that flower in the barrel of a gun... and "All Ya Need Is Love" look like very powerful weapons in retrospect. Thank you, John, Paul, George and Ringo.