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General News    H2'ed 9/30/11

Occupy Wall Street Day 14 - NYPD Arrest 400 in Brooklyn Bridge Trap

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Chaz Valenza
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October 1, 2011: Police lead protesters on to the Brooklyn Bridge Roadway and arrest them.  Clearly entrapment according to those not arrested who took the walkway of the bridge.

Approximately 50 protesters freed at about 11 PM, the rest remain handcuffed on police paddy-wagon buses for hours.  Police not prepared to process all those arrested, mainly on charges of disorderly conduct.

Tightly cuffed Brooklyn Bridge marcher's wrist.
Tightly cuffed Brooklyn Bridge marcher's wrist.
(Image by Sofia Gallisa)
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Link: Sign this petition to Break Up Goldman Sachs and End Financial & Economic Tyranny Now!

September 30, 2011 - Just two weeks ago tomorrow fewer than 3,000 assembled peaceably at Bowling Green in NYC and protested around the Big Brass Bull.  

For a few hours tourists in double-decker sightseeing buses took pictures, the police snickered but were generally indulgent, at worst a little concerned, and after the rally those that remained made their way to Zuccotti Park for more.

That Saturday night a couple hundred made good on a promise and stayed.   For the next few days the NYPD did their best to discourage this behavior, but it didn't work.   And, a couple of hundred turned into hundreds more with thousand participating during the daylight and evening hours.

Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011
Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011
(Image by Alien Disclosure Group UK StephenHannardADGUK's Channel)
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(Why I love the photo above:  Look closely.  The delicious "I'm better than you" smile on the woman drinking champagne. The subtle paste of worry over the face of the man next to her.  The befuddled stare of the man in argyle shirt.  The black haired woman sharing a secret the rest of us should not hear, in posed back-of-hand style no less, try doing it that way for fun.  The the eyes of the man behind her who still hasn't looked down on the crowd below.  It's our own  Louis XVI moment frozen in time.)

Box Score:
OWS Protesters Arrested: 541 (+/- 20)
Wall Street Banksters Arrested: 0
People Power Hours (PPH)* since Day 1 - NYC only: 456,000
Donations to OWS Funds: $49,000

Link: Occupy Wall Street Food Fund Donations HERE

Link: Occupy Wall Street Media Fund Donations HERE

Nonperishable and Money Order Donations: The UPS Store, Occupy Wall Street, 118A Fulton St. #205, New York, NY 10038

Nothing going for them

Those who stayed in what became Liberty Plaza didn't have a clear identity.   They didn't have pithy sound bites.   They didn't have any money.   What they did have was access to the internet.   And what they did manage to say well could be said in two simple chants.

Chant #1: Tell me what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like!

And it wasn't pretty but it was, in this land of lost democracy, strangely beautiful.   People in dialogue aided by something called a facilitator making unanimous decisions and charting a course to raise awareness and gain empowerment over a corrupt system on the fly.   A leaderless entity, emerging and growing, working off one simple fact:   the oppression of nearly all Americans had happened slowly but surely and the worst was yet to come.

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Chaz Valenza is writer and small business owner in New Jersey. He earned his MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business. His current feature film project is "Single Point Failure" an insider's account of how the Reagan Administration (more...)
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