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General News    H2'ed 9/24/11

Occupy Wall Street Day 8: 100+ Arrested for Peaceful, Legal Protest; Nets & Pepper Spray Used.

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Chaz Valenza
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LINK: See Day 9 Coverage of Occupy Wall Street HERE

7:57 PM - Occupy Wall Street marchers have started off for One Police Plaza.  NYPD are following with arrest net.

Lady Liberty Wrapped in American Flag Talks to NYPD
Lady Liberty Wrapped in American Flag Talks to NYPD
(Image by Global Revolution)
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7:30 PM - Dark now.  Above Lady Liberty (name unknown) wrapped in an American Flag and Betsy Ross wig makes impassioned appeal to NYPD officers, "We're fighting for you pension, we'er fighting for your social security, we're fighting for you children and your children's children.  We're fighting for liberty.  We're peaceful."

LINK: Don't Stop Now: 13 Things You Can Do NOW to Support OWS

7:00 PM - General Assembly decides half of Liberty Plaza protesters to remain and keep the occupation. The of 1/2 of the protesters will be marching to One Police Plaza to demand information and medical care for those arrested.

6:00 PM - 2000 occupiers remain in Liberty Plaza.  They are being surrounded with NYPD fencing.  Many more protesters have evacuated.  

4:25 PM - 60 plus protesters arrested at Union Square many pepper sprayed.  Details as they become available.  Orange nets used.

At Liberty Plaza:  NY Police: "The use of an Umbrella is a safety Hazard. Put it down!"

Police stopped marchers in street with barricades.  Marchers chanted, "let them go!  Let them go!" referring to those already arrested.  Police picked a few protesters, who were not in the street but standing on the sidewalk out of the crowd and arrested them."

One eyewitness at the scene said she heard police officers saying: "Rough her up."

Call+demand protestors be released 728-520-9311

LINK: 13 Things You Can Do to Support Occupy Wall Street

Media team arrested. Rain on way & police demand removal of umbrella protecting gear in media tent.

Media Team Arrested: Live Stream Continues.

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Chaz Valenza is writer and small business owner in New Jersey. He earned his MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business. His current feature film project is "Single Point Failure" an insider's account of how the Reagan Administration (more...)
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