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Pentagon Transcripts, Official Records Belie 'The 9/11 Commission Report'

Enver Masud
At the September 12, 2001, Dept. of Defense News Briefing by Victoria Clarke, Assistant Secretary of Defense, "American Airlines", "Flight 77", "Boeing 757", were not even mentioned.
The security camera video of "Flight 77" released by the Pentagon has one frame showing something -- labeled "Approaching Aircraft" -- moving parallel to the ground about 100 yards in front of the Pentagon.
This is the government's evidence to support their claim that American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It is not hard evidence of a Boeing 757, and the U.S. government's own records contradict this "evidence".
Pentagon transcripts, official reports, and flight data recorder simulation contradict the government's "evidence", and the laws of science belie the official account.
Indeed, the laws of science alone are sufficient to refute the official account of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11.
September 11, 2001 CNN News Report
Just minutes after the alleged attack, standing in front of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, Jamie McIntyre, CNN's senior Pentagon correspondent since November 1992, reported: "From my close up inspection there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon. . . . . The only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you could pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage - nothing like that anywhere around which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon."
This news report apparently was not rebroadcast, and a few years later McIntyre claimed on CNN (Wolf Blitzer's show) that he had been taken out of context the context is quite clear in McIntyre's September 11, 2001 broadcast from the Pentagon.
Lt Col Karen Kwiatowski, who from her fifth-floor, B-ring office at the Pentagon, witnessed "an unforgettable fireball, 20 to 30 feet in diameter" confirms McIntyre's account.
Writing in "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out," Kwiatowski noted, "a strange absence of airliner debris, there was no sign of the kind of damage to the Pentagon structure one would expect from the impact of a large airliner. This visible evidence or lack thereof may also have been apparent to the secretary of defense, who in an unfortunate slip of the tongue referred to the aircraft that slammed into the Pentagon as a 'missile'."
Pentagon employee April Gallop, whose "desk was roughly 40 feet from the point where the plane allegedly hit the outside wall" stated in a sworn complaint, "As she sat down to work there was an explosion, then another; walls collapsed and the ceiling fell in. Hit in the head, she was able to grab the baby and make her way towards the daylight showing through a blasted opening in the outside wall. There was no airplane wreckage and no burning airplane fuel anywhere; only rubble and dust."
Barbara Honegger, military affairs journalist, reported in her personal capacity that a pilot sent by Gen Larry Arnold (NORAD) "reported back that there was no evidence that a plane had hit the building." She added, "Multiple standard-issue, battery-operated wall clocks . . . stopped between 9:31 and 9:32-1/2 on September 11."
Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) -- former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, and head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence, stated in a video interview, "I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane."
Transcript of Pentagon News Briefing of September 12
At the September 12, 2001, Dept. of Defense (DoD) News Briefing by Assistant Secretary of Defense, Victoria Clarke, Ed Plaugher (fire chief of Arlington County), and others, "American Airlines", "Flight 77", "Boeing 757" were not even mentioned.
How significant is that?
With the world's news media assembled at the Pentagon on the day after the alleged attack on the Pentagon by Arab hijackers flying American Airlines Flight 77 -- a Boeing 757, "American Airlines", "Flight 77", "Boeing 757" were not considered important enough to mention at the Pentagon News Briefing the very next day after the alleged attack!
Fire chief Ed Plaugher was asked by a reporter, "Is there anything left of the aircraft at all?" Plaugher responded, "there are some small pieces of aircraft ... there's no fuselage sections and that sort of thing."
When asked, "Chief, there are small pieces of the plane virtually all over, out over the highway, tiny pieces. Would you say the plane exploded, virtually exploded on impact due to the fuel", Plaugher reponded "You know, I'd rather not comment on that."
The transcript reveals that reporters were being "threatened or, in fact, handcuffed and dragged away".
Transcript of Pentagon News Briefing of September 15
At the September 15, 2001, Dept. of Defense (DoD) News Briefing by Mr. Lee Evey, Pentagon Renovation Manager, Rear Adm. Craig R. Quigley, deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, and others, it was apparent that there were lingering doubts about what had struck the Pentagon on September 11.
When Mr. Evey said, "the nose of the aircraft broke through this innermost wall of C Ring", a reporter asked, "One thing that's confusing -- if it came in the way you described, at an angle, why then are not the wings outside? I mean, the wings would have shorn off. The tail would have shorn off. And yet there's apparently no evidence of the aircraft outside the E Ring." Evey replied, "Actually, there's considerable evidence of the aircraft outside the E Ring. It's just not very visible."
Apparently, no one asked how "the nose of the aircraft" (a relatively weak component of the aircraft) remained sufficiently intact to penetrate the C Ring -- the outermost being the E Ring.
'Pentagon Building Performance Report'
In January 2003, the U.S. government's National Institute of Standards and Technology released the "click here">Pentagon Building Performance Report" that belies the official account of 9/11.
Page 35 of this report reads: "An examination of the area encompassed by extending the line of travel of the aircraft to the face of the building shows that there are no discrete marks on the building corresponding to the positions of the outer third of the right wing. The size and position of the actual opening in the facade of the building (from column line 8 to column line 18) indicate that no portion of the outer two-thirds of the right wing and no portion of the outer one-third of the left wing actually entered the building."
Had a Boeing 757 struck the Pentagon, its wings would probably have been found outside the Pentagon. But these wings were not found outside the Pentagon!
Photographs, and CNN's Jamie McIntyre confirm this fact.
Page 36 of this report reads: "The height of the damage to the facade of the building was much less than the height of the aircraft's tail. At approximately 45 ft, the tail height was nearly as tall as the first four floors of the building. Obvious visible damage extended only over the lowest two floors, to approximately 25 ft above grade.
Again the U.S. government's own report contradicts the official account of 9/11.
Page 39 of this report reads: "Most likely, the wings of the aircraft were severed as the aircraft penetrated the facade of the building. Even if portions of the wings remained intact after passing through the plane of the facade, the structural damage pattern indicates that the wings were severed before the aircraft penetrated more than a few dozen feet into the building."
As previously noted, these wings were not found outside the Pentagon!
From the preceding it is clear that the "Pentagon Building Performance Report" -- prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Structural Engineering Institute, and released by the U.S. government's National Institute of Standards and Technology -- contradicts the official account of 9/11.
'Arlington County After-Action Report'
The "click here">Arlington County After-Action Report" describes the occurrence of an event at the Pentagon minutes before the alleged strike of Flight 77, and the presence of Fort Myer Unit 161 at the Pentagon prior to impact.
Annex A, Page A-4 of this report states: "Captain Dennis Gilroy and his team were already on station at the Pentagon when Flight #77 slammed into it, just beyond the heliport. Foam 161 caught fire and suffered a flat tire from flying debris. Firefighters Mark Skipper and Alan Wallace were outside the vehicle at impact and received burns and lacerations. . . . Captain Gilroy called the Fort Myer Fire Department, reporting for the first time the actual location of the crash."
Did Fort Myer Unit 161 go the Pentagon following an explosion -- prior to the alleged strike of Flight 77?
It is consistent with the reporter's question at the September 12 News Briefing, "Chief, there are small pieces of the plane virtually all over, out over the highway, tiny pieces. Would you say the plane exploded, virtually exploded on impact due to the fuel"?
It is consistent with April Gallop's sworn complaint that "she was able to grab the baby and make her way towards the daylight showing through a blasted opening in the outside wall. There was no airplane wreckage and no burning airplane fuel anywhere; only rubble and dust."
It is consistent with military affairs journalist Barbara Honegger's account of "Multiple standard-issue, battery-operated wall clocks . . . stopped between 9:31 and 9:32-1/2 on September 11."
Fort Myer Unit 161's arrival at the Pentagon to put out a fire prior to the strike by "Flight 77" is not consistent with the official account of 9/11.
'American Airlines' Flight Data Recorder
http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org/">Pilots for 9/11 Truth claim "video captured by the parking gate cam is in direct conflict with the Aircraft Flight Data Recorder data released by the NTSB" (National Transportation Safety Board) pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request.
The "Pentagon Building Performance Report" states (page 14): "A Pentagon security camera located near the northwest corner of the building recorded the aircraft as it approached the building. Five photographs (figures 3.3 through 3.7), taken approximately one second apart, show the approaching aircraft and the ensuing fireball associated with the initial impact. The first photograph (figure 3.3) captured an image of the aircraft when it was approximately 320 ft (approximately 0.42 second) from impact with the west wall of the Pentagon. Two photographs (figures 3.3 and 3.7), when compared, seem to show that the top of the fuselage of the aircraft was no more than approximately 20 ft above the ground when the first photograph of this series was taken."
On page 35 of this report we're told, "The site data indicate that the aircraft fuselage impacted the building at column line 14 at an angle of approximately 42 degrees to the normal to the face of the building, at or slightly below the second-story slab."
However, the NTSB animation (January 2002), according to Pilots for 9/11 Truth, shows an aircraft flying north of the Navy Annex, not leveling off, and being too high to have hit the Pentagon.
When confronted with this discrepancy, NTSB Chief Jim Potter said: "I have no comment on the existence of the discrepancies."
Eyewitnesses -- among them Pentagon security personnel identified by Citizen's Investigation Team, state categorically that a plane (which they believed was Flight 77) flew north of the Citgo gas station located west of Virginia Route 27 and the Pentagon, rather than flying south of the gas station as stated in official reports.
G-Forces Would Have Destroyed the Boeing 757
Rob Balsamo, http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org/">Pilots for 9/11 Truth, has written, "Arlington's unique topography and obstacles along American 77 "final leg" to the Pentagon make this approach completely impossible as we will demonstrate.
Flight 77 is alleged to have flown over Columbia Pike and the Virginia Department of Transportation communications tower located 1143 yards west of the Pentagon before striking the Pentagon at "530 miles per hour".
The antenna on the VDOT tower has been determined to be 169 ft above the ground with a ground elevation of 135 feet (FCC Registration Number 1016111). The ground elevation of the Pentagon is 33 feet according to USGS.
This path would have taken Flight 77 south of the gas station at the intersection of Columbia Pike and S. Joyce Street, and over the intersection of Columbia Pike and S. Washington Boulevard.
The intersection of Columbia Pike and S. Washington Boulevard is not at ground level -- S. Washington Boulevard goes over Columbia Pike and forms about a 20 feet tall barrier, about 150 yards out from the west wall of the Pentagon which Flight 77 would have had to fly over.
After this intersection Flight 77 would have been over Pentagon ground with about 150 yards remaining to level out and to strike the Pentagon "slightly below the second floor slab" at "an angle of approximately 42 degrees".
According to the "Pentagon Building Performance Report" (page 14), "the top of the fuselage of the aircraft was no more than approximately 20 ft above the ground when the first photograph" from the security camera was taken.
Leaving aside the discrepancies between the official account of Flight 77, and the Flight Data Recorder (which NTSB refuses to answer), Pilots for 9/11 Truth calculated the force on the Boeing 757 at 34 Gs, i.e. 34 times the force due to gravity, at the point that it would have to transition from its downward flight to level flight.
With a virtual weight of about 8.5 million pounds, Flight 77 could not have leveled off before striking the Pentagon. It would have crashed at the intersection of Columbia Pike and S. Washington Boulevard. This alone is sufficient to refute the official account of "Flight 77" -- it could not have violated the laws of science.
Pilots for 9/11 Truth did another calculation by lowering the height of "Flight 77" below that shown by the FDR. They lowered it to the top of the VDOT antenna.
With this very conservative case, they calculated the force on the Boeing 757 at 11.2 Gs. "11.2 Gs was never recorded in the FDR. 11.2 Gs would rip the aircraft apart" they wrote.
Impossible: Damage Path and Flight Path Aligned
With Flight 77 alleged to have struck the Pentagon at "an angle of approximately 42 degrees", the flight path and the damage path cannot possibly form a straight line.
Flying at "an angle of approximately 42 degrees" the Boeing 757's starboard wing would have struck the west wall of the Pentagon first. This would cause the aircraft to veer to the right, and the damage path would be in line with the aircraft's new heading -- not with the aircraft's heading prior to impact.
However, the "click here">Arlington County After-Action Report" Figures 6.2 and 6.6 show that the flight path and damage path do form a straight line extending from the center-line of the fuselage of the aircraft to where the "the nose of the aircraft broke through this innermost wall of C Ring".
The flight path and damage path depicted forming a straight line in Figures 6.2 and 6.6 violate the laws of science. This alone is sufficient to refute the official account of "Flight 77" -- it could not have violated the laws of science.
Therefore, what looks like a puff of smoke -- labeled "Approaching Aircraft" in the security camera video, cannot possibly be a Boeing 757.
To conclude, the official account of Flight 77 -- supported only by one frame from a security camera showing a puff of something approaching the Pentagon -- is contradicted by the transcripts of Pentagon News Briefings conducted on September 12 and 15; by the "Pentagon Building Performance Report"; by the "Arlington County After-Action Report"; and by the Flight Data Recorder provided by the NTSB.
The official account of Flight 77 contradicts the laws of science. Flight 77 could not have withstood the calculated G-force, and the flight path and the damage path cannot possibly form a straight line. Therefore, the official account is not true.
The evidence suggests that an explosion occurred in the Pentagon minutes before the alleged strike by Flight 77, an aircraft flew over the Pentagon, and a missile was fired into the Pentagon. This is only a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothesis">hypothesis -- yet to be tested.
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Enver Masud is the founder of The Wisdom Fund. His articles on national and world affairs have been published in newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and overseas. He has lectured widely on 9/11, is a contributing author of 9 /11 and American (more...)
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