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Pilgrim's Nuclear Power Keeps on Giving: Cancer

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Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
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The meltdown of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, March 11, 2011, devastated me. So when I heard that the Japanese people were asking for world- wide support for this global tragedy, I convened a group, " On Behalf of Planet Earth." We held weekly vigils at the Japanese Consulate/Boston for about a year, in solidarity with the Japanese people.

Fukushima and Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts are the same model - General Electric (GE) Mark 1, boiling water reactors. Recently we turned our efforts to Pilgrim, standing weekly at the offices of Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren to CLOSE PILGRIM NOW

The U.S. State Department recommended that US citizens within 50 miles of Fukushima evacuate. Boston is 35 miles from Pilgrim. We can see our homes on this map. What would we do in a meltdown?

On Behalf of Planet Earth: Close Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Now!
On Behalf of Planet Earth: Close Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Now!
(Image by photo montage: artistlauralynch)
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Fukushima's 4th anniversary has just passed, on March 11, 2015. Whether we say 300 tons of radiated water have been flowing into the Pacific Ocean every day since Fukushima, March 11, 2011, or whether we say 83,000 gallons/day of radiated water -- an incomprehensible amount of poisoned water is flowing into our one ocean. Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear engineer for 40 years for the nuclear industry, says --Fukushima Daiichi radioactivity continues to bleed into the Pacific Ocean."

Radiation is energy. Ionizing radiation is very powerful energy. It has enough energy to damage living cells. When damaged, cells might die or cause cancer. Ionizing radiation comes from sources like radioactive atoms, e.g., plutonium and uranium, both found in nuclear power plants. Beyond Nuclear cautions that there is no safe dose of ionizing radiation.

Greenpeace warns that "Nuclear Reactors Create Radioactive Waste That Will Remain Hazardous For 240,000 years." That's Plutonium 239; Uranium 235 remains hazardous 7.13 billion years. Pilgrim emits radiation into our air and water daily. Plymouth and Nantucket Counties have the highest cancer rates in Massachusetts.

Renowned pediatrician Dr. Helen Caldicott, at 2:36 in this clip about if Diablo Nuclear Power Plant had a meltdown like Fukushima did [and would be the same if Pilgrim had a meltdown], tells Harvey Wasserman on his radio show, October 14, 2014, "" fetuses if they survived would have a lower than normal IQ because the developing brain is very sensitive to radiation." Caldicott, in an extraordinary talk, "The Medical Implications of Fukushima," says, " Children are 10 to 20 times more vulnerable to the carcinogenic effects of radiation than adults. Little girls are twice as sensitive as little boys and women are more sensitive than men. Fetuses are thousands of times more sensitive."

March 2011 Officials in protective gear check for signs of radiation on childre who are from the evacuation area near th
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Do we want our children to be in a photo like this? "March 2011 Officials in protective gear check for signs of radiation on children who are from the evacuation area near the Fukshima Daiini nuclear power plant in Koriyama."

Do we want to leave this legacy of leukemia and cancer to our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and their children -- more than seven generations out and into eternity?

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Sheila Parks, Ed.D., is a former college professor. She had a spiritual awakening many years ago and left her career to do peace and justice work full time. She is the founder of the grassroots group On Behalf of Planet Earth (found on FB). (more...)

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