The Washington Post elects to ignore important news, or reframes news to protect the military or politicians or foreign elites.
CNN shows footage of popular criminals as a set-up for characterizing Julian Assange as a popular criminal.
These mainstream media operations or trained poodles dancing on short leashes for hysterical power holders, be the military, Whitehouse, congressional, Vatican. I call the power holders hysterical because, when they claim that lives will be lost because Julian Assange brings the ugly lies, misstatements, perversions, abuses of justice and petty, childish machinations of people of power, they are making it up, exagerating, and throwing hissy fits.
These companies are not interested in peace, not interested in global warming or poverty or hunger or social justice or quality of life of Americans or anyone else, unless there's a profit in it.
We've watched this week as the mainstream, corpsestream media, as I like to call them, help sell the Obama resuscitation of the Bush Tax breaks, even adding cuts to social security funding that threaten the future of social security. The Washington Post does a poll which purports to show that over 70% of Americans approve of the plan. We all know how the design of the questions affects the results of polls. To suggest, as the poll does, that over 40% of liberals support Obama's plan is just way too hard to buy. But... it's a dog show and the dogs, bucks and bitchs, are doing what they've been trained to do-- going through their paces, looking polished and very, VERY well behaved.
We have uber-hysteric Joe Lieberman attacking hero Julian Assange as a terrorist.
We have right wing commentators calling for his execution. WTF, Obama's claimed the right to murder American citizens. Assanges is not even an American. He's from down under. I guess that makes it even more comfy to kill him.
The Obama government is perhaps the most secretive, the most punitive of whistleblowers and truth tellers in American history. It would not be surprising to see Obama declare some kind of sedition law or act, which would claim the right to not only silence journalists but to label them as terrorists. I'm not making this up. We already have legislation on the books that is being used to accuse, try, convict and imprison activists who seek to protect the environment. Will Potter, publisher of greenisthenewred has taken as his journalistic "beat" the coverage of the abuse of accusations of terrorism to harrass, charge, try and imprison green activists.
Fortunately, there are new media organizations doing the work that the old media establishment now fails to do. They are smaller, far less deeply funded, usuall, with some exceptions, like Huffingtonpost, which is doing a much better job of speaking truth to power. And there are even some organizations, like Media Matters, getting funding from foundations. They're far outspent by the likes of Disney, GE and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.
The point of this article is to get the meme out there that the mainstream stenographic media ARE like poodles jumping for treats from the hysterical modern day Joe McCarthy's who are attempting to quash real journalism and journalists with accusations of terrorism.
Mark my words. Accusations of terrorism are well on the way to becoming the new communist label. They will be used to silence people, to shut down bold truth-tellers and truth telling operations. The inertia may already be unstoppable, but giving a name to the beast is one way to fight it.