I see many of the problems we have stemming back to the creation of the Federal Reserve.
Lets go back to what I see as the beginning for a minute.
I'm sure you met the kind of people in your life that wanted to start some sort of business with you. To make a long story short they turned out to be the type that had a business philosophy that made every cost yours and every profit theirs.
I think our country came across that sort when the Federal Reserve was reportedly bribed into existence.
I suspect that for nearly a hundred years we have been responsible for every cost incurred. Building the buildings, the presses, the ink, the first gold that was loaned against, and all of the maintenance for building and machine.
I imagine that all of the interest has gone to the group of men that keep the books.
Theoretically (?), just this year alone we have transferred out of the country to them about $360,000,000,000 on a national dept of $9,000,000,000,000 at a 4% interest rate. Actually we don't owe it all directly to the Federal Reserve. Some of the IOU's or bonds are owned by countries like China, I believe.
That is only a tiny part of what they brought in. Since 1914 I believe they have grown and their banking system is in nearly ever country of the world. Looking at our interest owed is like looking at one credit card holder's account at a place like Visa.
If we would have our turn as partners each one of us would bring in over a thousand dollars a year just from the national debt interest alone. Think of all of the other interest that has been loaned out, out there. Can you imagine the world economy back on even footing and the interest distributed to the rightful partners for the next 100 years? And I'm talking rightful partners worldwide.
Anyway thinking about the money that they are raking in could help explain just why the world is in the straights it's in. It also helps understand the motive behind much of what is happening.
I think we are quit often used as tools to achieve goals of these bankers and businessmen and women. I think just as it is said they bribed the bank into existence, they have continued to use their money to influence politics and politicians to do their bidding. Think about it. They don't use their money to get what they want; they have us borrow money from them to achieve their goals!
I'm not totally against the world being concurred (note spelling). It just needs to be done from the, "We the People" of the world. Not conquered from the top down.