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Progess? What Progress?

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My cry to to a world that denies reality, denies respect, denies progress, having been bought sold and homogenized into meaningless mice, who have no idea they are caught in a maze.

Yesterday, a so called 'christian', erzatz family member, Unprovoked, and unbidden attacked myself and some of my friends with insults, ignorance and totally unfortunate attacks. If this was 'Christian' charity, and Christian actions I again, don't want anything to do with them, nor their 'messiah', 'savior'. I had posted about the simple truth of the pagan holidays and pagan holy places being replaced by the 'Christian' hordes who banished, persecuted any other, and previous religions, after the first 300 years of their history the C.E. (common era), and the church councils and the Roman Emperor (and mother), who 'decided', in decidedly 'questionable' early church councils, which simply replaced the Roman royal religions with 'Christianity' as an outright POLITICAL move. I will not say more.

I will say, that I hold no quarter any longer with the attempt by many, and many with big money, to destroy our so called 'Democracy' with a warped moralistic Right Wing 'Christian' nation. They wish to and already are destroying the Rights that are promised us in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I cannot have any sympathy for this, I abhor it with all my heart, stamina and strength and will continue to do so. I won't be long for this world, if I am allowed to live another ten or 20 years. Good luck to the future. We already know that it is essentially too late for most of the world through Global warming, as Global corporate power keeps our 'leaders' from doing anything substantial about this threat. It's too late, too little and I have little strength to do more. It's up to those younger who can see the truth, want to keep us from any theoretical 'takeover' by total Corporate international takeover, where our 'votes' are meaningless, as we don't use them in this country anyway. Peace and help to you all, Be Strong, keep trying. Keep fighting the Corporate power, the 'Christian Nazis' wishing to take over our freedoms. Who knows what Dystopian future awaits you all.
I, myself, am tired. Peace, R. J Dorn

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Retired librarian, writer, amateur geneologist. I do some contract reporting for a local News source. I spend my time with Activist causes, and doing my best to bring forth not just 'reform' but Radical change.. in this country before whats left (more...)

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