The reason that Eliot Spitzer is gone is NOT because of sexual transgressions but because he predicted and put out a warning that the elimination of the Glass-Steagall Act was about to cripple the financial "industry" of the US through a little-known "loophole" that allowed this same industry to obviate all inspections that were entrusted to the NY Fed Reserve--headed up Timothy Geithner! Not only did ES spill the beans he spilled it in the NY Times.
Whereupon the vast Securities Monolith, centralized from DC but with thousands of tentacles stretchable anywhere, decided to
put the estimable NY Gov on their hit-list. This resulted in an unprecedented "blitzkrieg" to ferret out any indiscretion that could be used to drive him into political oblivion. Voila! He utilized prostitutes, gotcha! Goodbye, Eliot, goodbye credibility, goodbye NY Times article
and Welcome Back to status-quo maintained on Wall Street. The Bush Blunderbuss blasted another salvo, and our MSM lapdogs give each other high-fives at bringing down another despicable Democrat and give a big "land-O-Goshen," ain't them Bushie-babies somethin'? Yup, they sure are!
A brief opportunity for Wall Street transparency is evaded and the Masters of the Corporatocracy and their Wealth & Power is left to self-aggrandize. Oh yes, our vast Securities Machine, which costs taxpayers mucho billions/year, helps to perpetuate the theft of more billions from our future - which gets dimmer by the second.
Since Wall Streeters have off-shore legal slush funds, devised by
the products of the best business schools in the world, it doesn't cost Wall Street a single cent--the taxpayers foot that bill too!
Hey, now that's goooooooooood business!
Whereupon the vast Securities Monolith, centralized from DC but with thousands of tentacles stretchable anywhere, decided to
put the estimable NY Gov on their hit-list. This resulted in an unprecedented "blitzkrieg" to ferret out any indiscretion that could be used to drive him into political oblivion. Voila! He utilized prostitutes, gotcha! Goodbye, Eliot, goodbye credibility, goodbye NY Times article
and Welcome Back to status-quo maintained on Wall Street. The Bush Blunderbuss blasted another salvo, and our MSM lapdogs give each other high-fives at bringing down another despicable Democrat and give a big "land-O-Goshen," ain't them Bushie-babies somethin'? Yup, they sure are!
A brief opportunity for Wall Street transparency is evaded and the Masters of the Corporatocracy and their Wealth & Power is left to self-aggrandize. Oh yes, our vast Securities Machine, which costs taxpayers mucho billions/year, helps to perpetuate the theft of more billions from our future - which gets dimmer by the second.
Since Wall Streeters have off-shore legal slush funds, devised by
the products of the best business schools in the world, it doesn't cost Wall Street a single cent--the taxpayers foot that bill too!
Hey, now that's goooooooooood business!