is as stupid does," so said the Philosopher Forrest Gump. But stupid is actually what is perceived to
be stupid. Walk into a room of quantum
physicists and ask what is string theory and they may laugh, whereas your peers
would share in your bewilderment.
Stupidity is what is perceived to be stupid. The majority of clear headed Americans when
they heard Senator Todd Akin claim that in a "legitimate rape" a woman's body
shuts down so that she cannot conceive a child, considered that to be
stupid. There is no logic behind it, and
there is more than enough medical evidence that proves that statement false. The only people who did not call it stupid
were some extreme members of the extreme right. In fact other Republican politicians even
defended Akin. Congressman Steve King who
defended the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act"--isn't that a distinguished
title--said he never heard of someone getting pregnant from statutory rape or
incest. This is the true threat of the
current Republican agenda--defend anything Republican no matter what. Maybe they have become conditioned to this after
eight years of having to defend George Bush number 43, but whatever the case it
is now against Republican policy to denounce anything another Republican
says. This ideal is so puerile, but now
they don't even condemn stupidity. As
bad as it gets for them defending their own, it is even worse when it comes to
them criticizing the Democrats. We don't
have to look at the position they take on issues like Obamacare, foreign policy,
or budget spending that could be open to debate. We just have to look at their positions on
issues where there is no room for conjecture, and see that their position is
just simply, stupid.
has done nothing for the economy." The
truth is the Republican congress has done nothing for the economy--except downgrading
our credit rating by delaying a vote on raising the debt ceiling. Obama and Democrats have attempted to pass
legislation, and here is a summary of how they ended up:
June 24th, 2010: GOP Blocks
Unemployment Insurance Bill Once Again, Dems Giving Up ( Open
Congress )
July 29th, 2010: Republicans block small
business plan in Senate ( Reuters )
September 28th, 2010: GOP Blocks Bill to
Punish Companies that Move Jobs Abroad ( CBS
News )
November 18th, 2010: House GOP blocks bill
to extend jobless benefits ( USA
November 18th, 2010: Republicans vote
unanimously against equal pay for women bill ( Raw
Story )
December 9th, 2010: Senate Republicans
block 9/11 health bill ( Reuters )
October 11th, 2011: Senate Republicans
block Obama's jobs package ( CBS
News )
October 20th, 2011: Senate blocks money for
teachers, firefighters ( WaPost )
November 3rd, 2011: Republicans block $60bn
infrastructure bill ( Financial
Times )
December 11th, 2011: Senate blocks payroll
tax-cut extension ( MSNBC )
March 29th, 2012: Republicans Block Repeal
of Oil-Company Tax Breaks Obama Sought ( Business
Week )
April 17th, 2012: Senate GOP blocks Obama's
"Buffett rule' for minimum tax rate on millionaires ( Fox
News )
May 8th, 2012: GOP blocks Senate debate on
Dem student loan bill ( Associated
Press ) [1]
Is this
just playing politics? Hasn't Obama vetoed bills the Republicans have proposed
for the sake of jobs? No, because the Republicans
have not proposed anything for the sake of jobs since he has been in
office. They just vote down his
proposals that could help the economy.
It is as if they would rather keep the economy stagnant for four years
just so that they can take the white house in 2012. Letting millions of Americans suffer so they
can win a political game is evil, but knowing this fact and saying Obama has
done nothing is stupid.
"Obama has raised taxes."
He hasn't raised the income tax burden on people making under $200,000
annually. Yet some republicans
believe--mostly the tea party--that 95% of the population has been paying more in
taxes under his watch. Aside from
cigarette and a tanning tax, what taxes has he implemented that is affecting
middle class America? Yet Americans who know
first-hand what percentage in taxes they pay annually, still say he is raising
them. Not being able to tell the truth
between your own tax burden and what pundits are telling you--stupid.
But no criticism on Barack Obama hits eleven on the stupid meter
more than the birther argument. The
argument itself is an insult to the American Government. To consciously believe that someone not born
in the United States can be elected president and all of the vettings of the
government infrastructure managed to miss this, but yet some blue grass
protestors or a billionaire with a bad hair piece saw through this rouge, is
not just stupid, but down right crazy.
And for the current Republican presidential candidate to recently joke
about the possibility of where our president for three and half years was born,
only stresses the stupidity of the entire party.
Obama hasn't gotten a chance for any of his proposals on creating
jobs to be passed, he has not raised taxes on the middle and lower classes, and
he is an American citizen born in America.
These are not issues were one can have a different point of view. These are issues where you either accept the
truth, or you are stupid. Their agenda
and talking points are against the known truth, so in essence their agenda is
stupid. Since the party is so detached
from the truth on these issues, you can understand why they can also accept the
fantasy that a woman's body can prevent her from getting pregnant during a
Amendment: They are not stupid, they are crazy.