I'm sitting directly to the left of the AP reporter that filed this report that “hundreds of people” attended.
I am pretty certain she can see the same things as I. She can look at my photos from this Rally-in-Session if she is vision impaired.
I'm just wondering - how can the AP get it so wrong? I am tempted to look to my right and just ask her to her face. And maybe I should. She doesn't seem happy to be here - that's for sure. And I know I'd be happy to work for AP if they offered me a job -- even though I already work at at corporate media outlet and know what the score is in these places.
In any case, just thought I fire up a post as it happens...have a peek at that AP report that I refer to, then have a look at the photos I have filed -- and ask yourself if something is not just a tad askew.
The Ron Paul Campaign reports that over 10,000 tickets were sold to the event. It's essentially just wrapping up and the Target Center is even more packed than we had imagined it would be. Likely about 14,000 easily here. Deafening. There’s at least there is one T.V. producer who's telling the truth, This IS amazing. Watch this 7.5 minute video and see for yourself!
And there (above) is the updated Flickr Photostream with Ron Paul and Barry Goldwater Jr. photos for y'all.
NOW...off to the massive protests outside of the Excel Center!...stay safe and dodge the tear gas!...
~Sven Eric Balabanoff