Sagittarius shoots his fiery arrow heavenwards, aiming for a new vision and new consciousness. This Sagittarius Full Moon is all about leaping over the abyss from our collapsing ‘reality’ to a spiritual vision that demands truth, justice, personal responsibility and breadth of vision. Not a new world older devised by corporate dictators, but a place of individual freedom and creativity and consciousness. This full Moon highlights two distinct planetary patterns that will be affecting us for the next few years.
This Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon squares off against the Pisces/Virgo Uranus-Saturn opposition. This ongoing series of 5 oppositions, which began on America’s Election Day last November, faces off the Old vs. the New. We can never be sure while we’re still in the middle of it, but ultimately, the New always wins out. The old order is on its way out, and we are seeing its last gasps all over the news.
The Old: With Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn ‘bringing down the house’ that the corporations built, we have an opportunity to transform out-dated collective structures that form the basis of Patriarchy – a particular way of thinking that believes in male domination, the accumulation of wealth by the few, continual wars that test the survival of the fittest and a Cheney-esk ‘father knows best’ attitude that has brought us to the brink of environmental and social disaster. This dominator mentality has created the brutish wars and economic stranglehold that are so much a part of modern governmental, financial and corporate strategy (that’s why the measures to keep the economy afloat won’t work – they’re not new!). It embodies a hierarchical way of thinking that places men and the masculine attitudes to life above women and the feminine energies of life.
The New: Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron in Aquarius are seeding a new vision of life that is based on a partnership between masculine and feminine ideals and values. We can be strong and peaceful, responsible and creative, factual and intuitive, rational and emotionally intelligent. We can see our unity in the midst of diversity – we all dream, we all have the same human body, and despite our different religious ‘beliefs’ we are all created by one Spirit. The New is a vision of peace and unity that values each individual in the group, and all groups within the whole.
With Saturn once again moving forward through Virgo, health, work and service continue to be re-defined. Are you taking care of your health needs? Rest, good nutrition, time for meditation and a flexible work-out schedule have to be included in your daily life now. We need a healthy body, mind and spirit to work with the energies of the next few years.
Work is certainly an area of stress in these changing times. When your work doesn’t serve your soul-needs, it becomes drone-work. That’s what the corporate capitalists want: drone workers around the world, working for less, and consuming ‘stuff’ that really isn’t needed for a full life. When you find the work that suits you, you blossom and the work becomes a metaphor for who you are. That’s another change that has to take place in the coming years – work must be fulfilling to our souls and not just a deadening source of income as it is for so many people.
The Full Moon squaring this opposition creates a mutable grand cross, with Sun, Moon, Saturn and Uranus. The planets themselves are opposite energies – consciousness and the unconscious, structure vs. chaos. This is a very mental configuration. It’s about connecting our logical, concrete mind with our intuitive, abstract mind and coming to greater awareness. The negative side is the tension that arises if you don’t focus on the issues but rather scatter your attention on non-essentials. Greater discrimination and judgment are called for. Use this time to become more conscious of the issues in your life and be creative with your solutions and communicate your needs to the appropriate people.
This full Moon also involves the Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron conjunction in Aquarius that is in force for the rest of the year. Both ruling planets of this full Moon – Mercury for Gemini and Jupiter for Sagittarius – are involved in this aspect. Mercury in Taurus turned direct on May 30th and is still in a square aspect to these three planets in Aquarius.
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