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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 12/10/15

San Bernardino Terrorist Attack is Directly Linked to Saudi Arabia

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Lilly Martin
Message Lilly Martin

Saudi Women Veiled
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Tashfeen Malik, who killed 14 and injured 17 in USA recently, pledged allegiance to ISIS. The national security interests of America depends on fighting Radical Islam, which is the state sponsored religious ideology of Saudi Arabia. In order to eliminate ISIS, the power base and support must be targeted, and that is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi Royal family.

In an October 14, 2014 i nterview of Saudi Royal Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, with Christane Amanpour of CNN, he stated:

"But you have a problem with Islamism, which is political Islam. And we need to neutralize that."

Political Islam is the term he used to describe Radical Islam, which is a political ideology, and not a religion.

Tashfeen Malik lived most of her life in Saudi Arabia. Her relatives in Pakistan had not had contact with Tashfeen or her father in decades. Tashfeeen and her father lived in Saudi Arabia, where she grew up surrounded by the Saudi State brand of Islamic ideology: Wahhabism. Her relatives in Pakistan explained that their own Islamic ideology was more moderate and of the Sufi type, which Saudi Arabia rejects. Details here.

Tashfeen was surrounded by a culture of extremism. She may have been influenced by the prominent Saudi Sheikh Mohamad_al-Arefe

Quoted from the above article: "He is a professor at King Saud University, and Imam of the Mosque of the King Fahd academy of the Saudi Navy."

"As of May 15, 2015, Al-Arefe had over 16 million likes on Facebook and 11.9 million followers on Twitter, which places his account in the top 100 worldwide, and #1 for the Middle East."

During her young, formative years, and cut off from any contact with her moderate Pakistani relatives, Tashfeen was likely accepting of the Saudi extremist views which are the norm, not the exception there.

It would appear that Tashfeen had formulated a goal of Jihad. She was simply following the admonitions of Sheikh Mohamed al Arifi and others like him across Saudi Arabia. She likely developed a view of herself as being superior to all non-Muslims, and even Muslims who did not share her extremist views.


This article reports:

"In a public address delivered by Saudi cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi, which aired on Al-Nas TV on February 21, 2012, the Sheikh said: "There is no doubt that one's devotion to Jihad for the sake of Allah and one's will to shed blood, smash skulls, and chop off body parts for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion constitute an honor for the believer."

"He continues; "If the Muslims implemented the words of Allah: "Fight the infidels near you, and let them find harshness in you," and other Koranic verses, like the Verse of the Sword, which deal with fighting the infidels and conquering their countries, stating that they should join Islam, pay the jizya poll tax, or be fought. . . Had the Muslims implemented this, we would not be in our current state of humiliation."

An article in Abna24 reports:: "According to many posted views and opinion, the controversial Saudi Sheikh was unwelcome because of his fanatical worldview and his frequent calls for jihad, holy war, especially against the Shia Muslims, and his support to the ISIL and al-Qaeda."

Tashfeen sacrificed her own baby, her only child, as collateral damage of the Wahhabi ideology. Her baby however, was not killed, only orphaned. She participated willingly in the murder of 14 people, who she killed without reason. Her cause was the Saudi cause: Radical Islam as a lifestyle.

In order to understand Tashfeen Malik, and the reasons that a young woman would abandon her infant child, you must understand Saudi Arabia and the upbringing she had there, which is institutionalized Radical Islam. The King of Saudi Arabia is directly responsible for the radicalization of Tashfeen Malik. Saudi Arabia has a King, and is the only absolute monarchy on earth. There are no elections, no Parliament, and no interaction between citizen, resident and the King.

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I am an American living permanently in Syria. I am a human rights activist. I am a medical professional, and I write on events in Syria since March 2011 which I have witnessed myself.
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