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General News    H3'ed 8/31/08

Sarah Palin's Self-absorbed "sensitivities"

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   21 comments
Message Alexis Knapp

Why I already dislike Sarah Palin-let me count the ways.


Without even knowing her- but reading about her- I am filled with contempt.  One writer said she was a man sans a penis.  I don’t agree.  I think women can be just as grotesque and barbaric as any male can be and likewise think that men can be respectful and gentle as a female can be –and neither one is better or worse.  These “masculine or feminine” characteristics as long as they are not in excess. are great for both genders to posess.


I am touching on two things:  Her hunting and her late life baby.  There are many other things, but this is intended to be an article not a novel.


The first thing that really got to me was that this family decided, after having 4 children already, to have another kid.  I suppose nothing is fundamentally wrong with that except Palin was like 42 /43 when they got pregnant.  Anyone with the internet or with half a brain knows that the risk of Downs increases with every later year, after 35, that a woman has a kid.    I know that Alaska is “remote” but it isn’t a third world country.  I have schools of thought.  If it was an accidental oops pregnancy…well then I may have a modicum of compassion and understanding; however I think Palin and her spouse know where babies come from and should have exercised due diligence where the possibility of another baby was concerned-since she was already past the golden age.  So, say it was the oops scenario- I guess I can respect her for choosing not to abort the baby; however to take the hard line that a conservative would usually take- who is going to take care of these 5 children while mom and dad are doing their big important jobs.


And whoa there if you even begin to think that “if she were a man”.  Bull.  I hold both of these adults responsible for their decision to bring another child into the world and since it is one of special special needs- it is BOTH OF THEIR responsibility to take care of it.  Even if it was a child that was born without any special needs, it is up to both parents, regardless of gender, to raise their own kids. But doubtful.  Baby will probably be farmed out.  Sickening for this pro-life lady.  It remains easy to be pro-life if everyone but you is raising your offspring.  And while I am an advocate of day care for kids a certain age- I also think that if one of the parental units can care for the baby in its earlier years and the other one can work (either gender mind you) then that is what you OWE your offspring.  You may not have that new boat that year-but you are responsible for the most important thing in the world- the development of a new life.


Then there is the other side…the one that said it isn’t an “OOPS” scenario and she and her spouse actually planned for them to have this baby when this lady was 43/44. knowing full well the risks…but figured “oh well..who cares…I am who I am”  To me, that is akin to someone with HIV virus deciding to procreate just cause they wanted a cute cuddly baby.  It is a sin. (OH, my Catholic is showing)


By the way, speaking of her caring so much about life…what about these photos of her proudly displaying her “kills” when hunting.  You know, I eat meat and fish, and pork and chicken but it doesn’t give me some perverse pleasure mounting some lower animal’s  father’s antlers in my den to appear as if I achieved something.  She had a gun.  What does the animal (lower intellect) have to defend itself?  And of course, humans need to eat…and I maybe myself be hypocritical for expressing my contempt of the woman or man that would mount their kill’s antlers by a group that says “eating meat or any other animal is wrong” And you know what…I would concede that they have a point.  Maybe one day it will bother me enough to totally go vegan.  I just know, however, that I would never let anyone snap a photo of me smiling proudly ‘cause I just blew away Bambi. 


 Jeffrey Dahmer hunted humans, ate parts of them and also displayed them as trophies.


I never have liked women that tried or seemingly tried to emulate males.  This is because I already have a little bit of a bias toward males in that I find most –most understand- not all- seem to carry about an entitlement card.  I am entitled to do things because I am born male.  I blame it, typically, on the parents who raised them, a society that tolerates it (Oh, he can’t clean the house as good as me.)  The promotion of men as helpless but cute knuckleheads on most television shows, etc.   


Too many times have I experience the male who tried to “invade my space”, interrupt my idea in a meeting with his idea, or even touch me without my permission.  I never laughed it off and said “boy being boy”.  I always said “Can you imagine if I did that same thing?”.  See, it would be considered bawdy and rude.  I don’t think any gender has a “right” to be bawdy and rude and don’t think it is cute or funny.


This is why I emphasis that the Palin’s (husband and wife) decision  (if it indeed turns out to be a planned pregnancy) was a reckless and self-absorbed one.  It show NO interest in the quality of life for the unborn.  So what if they LOVE him- what about the child and its life.  If they wanted to rear another child-there are plenty of orphans out there.  God bless those children.


And guess what…I don’t belive in abortion even if it is a rape, either…but getting pregnant at 42/3 is selfish, self centered and puts the child at risk.  If you care so much about children…you would just-if any chance of pregnancy was there…abstain or get your tubes tied.  or hubby would have a vasectomy.


I fantasized about having another baby at age 38, then I realized that was very self absorbed of me.  I shelved that idea and asked my higher power to show me another way to be an instrument of Peace and love!


Lastly, some consider Down’s syndrome children lower than regular children…and there is even a radical sect of people that think these children use up “their” resources (i.e. waste of space).  In other words, considered less than  perhaps a hunted animal because they can’t even provide food.  I think these thoughts are disgusting and Nazi like; however they do exist…and poor baby Palin may have to be exposed to this kind of ilk in his life.  The baby still has a right to exist and be loved beyond belief; however to purposely subject a baby to this possibility-because you couldn’t keep your pants on is disgusting.


 I would think that one would have to possess parents of the most sensitive lot in order to deal with this-


Somehow I find a person that hunts and holds up her prey with enthusiasm…not a sensitive human but a hubris filled braggart.

 Wonder if she and Cheney will ever go hunting together?
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I have been involved in some local Florida politics. My career has, typically, been in the field of Human Resources both in Florida and Manhattan. My favorite quote is "two crazies don't equal a normal" I just heard this ole man say it...but (more...)
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