Health Care (along the lines of the German and French System) is the
way to
It should be marketed to the US voters as best for small businesses, which it is.
I have been a small business owner in the USA and in Germany for over 25 years.
I can not afford the same medical benefits to my USA employees that my employees get in Germany.
In the US as a
business owner I am always at a disadvantage when hiring employees vs a
company or hospital that can offer benefits. So I am forced to
less qualified workers or pay more to get the same level of
Second, those opposed should be clearly identified as MURDERERS! Those opposed for the main part
are conservatives who support right to life and the unborn.
It should be made very clear that opposition to universal health care has killed more unborn babies than abortions.
Do they want to kill more unborn babies by not providing proper pre and post natal care for many of those babys?
Third is the reduction in cost. Single payer countries pay about half for health care and medicine than we do in the US.
This would be the best way to reducing the Budget Deficits that voters care about.
The Politicians and the Press need to use these words consistently when talking about Health Care.
from the President on down.
Now is the time for single payer health care for US citizens and voters.
1. It is good for small business
2. Those opposed are Murderers
3. This is the best way to reduce the deficit.
ask the Voters:
1. Do you support small businesses in the USA?
2. Are you opposed to killing the unborn babies?
4. do you want the government to reduce the deficit now?
that is why we need single payer health care in the USA
It should be marketed to the US voters as best for small businesses, which it is.
I have been a small business owner in the USA and in Germany for over 25 years.
I can not afford the same medical benefits to my USA employees that my employees get in Germany.
Second, those opposed should be clearly identified as MURDERERS! Those opposed for the main part
are conservatives who support right to life and the unborn.
It should be made very clear that opposition to universal health care has killed more unborn babies than abortions.
Do they want to kill more unborn babies by not providing proper pre and post natal care for many of those babys?
Third is the reduction in cost. Single payer countries pay about half for health care and medicine than we do in the US.
This would be the best way to reducing the Budget Deficits that voters care about.
The Politicians and the Press need to use these words consistently when talking about Health Care.
from the President on down.
Now is the time for single payer health care for US citizens and voters.
1. It is good for small business
2. Those opposed are Murderers
3. This is the best way to reduce the deficit.
ask the Voters:
1. Do you support small businesses in the USA?
2. Are you opposed to killing the unborn babies?
4. do you want the government to reduce the deficit now?
that is why we need single payer health care in the USA