Joe Biden actually did an excellent job with his State of The Union Speech. But he had a brain fart, saying ending medicare and social security was "off the books," when he meant off the table. And it was harmless. But I refuse to believe that he he is the best the United States can do.
No matter how good a job he did with the SOTUS, he should not be the Democratic candidate in 2024. It is disgusting how blatantly the MSM are attempting to make his nomination appear to be an inevitability I had to change the channel, it was so offensive to see his former campaign manager, press secretary and centrist promoter Joy Reid tried to make it seem like his candidacy was ordained and inevitable. I switched to CNN which was just a little bit better.
It was great to see AOC refuse to go with Andrea Mitchell's efforts to get her to go with Joe.
Joe's reference to off the books, usually a criminal enterprise, instead of off the table was a relatively harmless slip. But it happened during one of the most important speeches of his life. Then he suggested the fossil fuels might not be with us for more than ten years. He deserved the mocking laughs he received. And my fear is that he has glitches like this while listening to important information and making crucial decisions.
Sure he's a nice guy with a lot more empathy than reptipublicans. But that is not enough.
The problem is the people in power within the Democratic party. They know where they stand with Joe Biden and ANY candidate who challenges him will shake things up. I call that, as John Lewis said, "making good trouble.
And it is not enough to get old Joe out of politics. We have to get a lot more over 70-year-olds out of power.