Decent humans such as ourselves think about Kerry's plea: "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?" There are other reasons why we should start our phased withdrawal from Iraq now. Rumsfeld realized that we were losing the propaganda war and that our occupation of Iraq has been a recruiting bonanza for al-queda. Big bro 43's insiders knew it led to was bound to ruin our economy.
Our enemy is in the Tora Bora region, not Iraq-which is where there is no WMD and where there won't be a sovereign Iraq democracy, if big bro 43 has his way!
John Kerry in his April 22, 1971 Senate Testimony said "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"
That applies now also. Kerry's remarks were after Daniel Ellsberg leaked secret government documents called "The Pentagon Papers" which informed us all that the military saw no way for us to win in Vietnam.
1. The war is hugely expensive. "The cost-benefit ratio is against us! Our cost is billions against the terrorists' cost of millions."
2. Postwar stabilization efforts are very difficult. "It is pretty clear the coalition can win in Afghanistan and Iraq in one way or another, but it will be a long, hard slog."
3. Rumsfeld asked whether the Defense Department is moving fast enough to adapt to fighting terrorists and whether the United States should create a private foundation to entice radical Islamic schools to a "more moderate course." Rumsfeld says the schools, known as madrassas, may be churning out new terrorists faster than the United States can kill or capture them.
I'm not irrational, therefore I have trouble thinking as Rummy did. Maybe Rumsfeld was suggesting we should bomb Saudi Arabia because they finance the madrassas. It makes as much sense as performing "Shock and Awe" and occupying a country in which a secular Sunni Baathist such as Hussein ruled Iraq, instead of the lawless Tora Bora area of Afghanistan, close to the Pakistan border, where the extremist Sunni bin laden resides.
It is clear that our situation in Iraq is just as hopeless as the Vietnam situation was when Kerry made his remarks.
We won't gain anything by staying there a moment longer than necessary so we should start the phased withdrawal of our troops from Iraq! What can we gain when the Iraqis hate us? Every innocent Iraqi victim generates an exponential rate of jihadists who long for US blood.
Our lying Big bro 43 today said Iraq wanted to include an "aspirational goal" for the departure of most foreign troops there in any agreement authorizing future U.S. operations, but he reiterated his opposition to what he called "an artificial timetable for withdrawal." He put his stooge Maliki into power, but even "bubble boy's" personal puppet Maliki can't abide the US presence in Iraq anymore; and when W cozies up to him about the Status of Forces Agreement, Maliki rebuffs his every advance. Maliki, facing opposition from Iraqis wary of U.S. intentions, has said that he was prepared to negotiate only a shorter-term agreement and that he would insist on a timetable for withdrawal.
What can we possibly gain when you consider that, as the article "U.S. spies on Iraqi army, sources say" at click here notes we can't trust the troops we have equipped and trained. The article states:
"Caught off guard by recent Iraqi military operations, the United States is using spy satellites that ordinarily are trained on adversaries to monitor the movements of the American-backed Iraqi army, current and former U.S. officials say.
"The stepped-up surveillance reflects breakdowns in trust and coordination between the two forces."
It is not only that! The Iraqis are cozying up with our enemy Iran. Iran is a country who hated Iraq so much that we had to supply Iraq with WMD to defeat them back in big bro 43's father's term. But now the Iraqis hate the Iranians less than they do us, as the article states:
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